Chapter 38 - I Hate You

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Chapter 38 - I Hate You

"You did it in a treehouse!" Lexi yells.

"Shhhhhh," Jenny and I both shush her.

"Sorry," she whispers.

"Anyways, what're you doing today," Jenny asks.

"We have school in 20 minutes," I answer, wrapping a lock of hair around my curling iron.

That's right bitches, I'm actually up and have my ass out of bed and ready early. An hour early to be exact. Jenny decided to come early and bring us breakfast since she's off school today. Lexi joined us of course.

"You should surprise Chris," Lexi suggests.

"I don't want to come off as a clingy girlfriend," I give Lexi my honest opinion. I mean we spent the rest of the day together yesterday.

"Why don't you get all the boys then or you and Lexi can just bring everyone the leftover donuts and scones," Jenny suggests.

"Why not," I say, spraying on some fragrance.

"Alright, let's do it," Lexi retorts, grabbing the 2 bags of donuts and scones.

"You guys have fun and tell JJ to text me. I have to go," Jenny says grabbing her purse.

"Why?" Lexi and I pout.

"I may have school off today but not a break from parents and chores," she sighs.

"But have fun bébés, I love you," she says before leaving as Lexi and I blow her kisses.

"Shall we deliver scones and donuts," Lexi says in a British accent handing me a bag.

"We shall," I agree, linking her arm with mine.


"Making our way downtown," Lexi starts singing as we reach the boys dormitory. "I'll go to Nick and JJ, you get Sam and Chris," Lexi directs before running off.

When I walk through the hallways I see Hayley leaving Chris' dorm. At first she looks pissed but when she notices me her expression changes to happy. What a bitch. I don't really think much of it, I know Chris wouldn't cheat or do anything bad.

"What the fuck!" I scream dropping my bags of donuts and scones on the ground. Tears immediately start building in my eyes before I can stop them.

"Storm wait!" Chris calls out but I'm frozen. I can't fucking move, why can't I just run away.

"Don't Chris," a shirtless Ella smirks, grabbing his arm.

"It's not what you think," he quickly says.

"You're shirtless, Ella's shirtless and you were just kissing her two seconds ago," I state.

"I know but just let me explain," he says grabbing a shirt.

"Um, t-there are s-scones and donuts in the b-bag, Lexi and I brought. F-feel free to eat them," I stutter not being able to process what happened before walking away.

"Storm!" Chris calls out but that only urges me to start running and I do. As I run I bump into Lexi in the hallway.

"Storm, breathe, what's wrong? Breathe," Lexi says trying to calm me down. I didn't even realize I started hyperventilating.

"Storm," I hear Chris' voice from behind and I stare Lexi dead in the eye and shake my head no.

"Chris, give her some space please," I hear Lexi say.

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