Chapter 5 - I'll Be Your Devil

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Chapter 5 - I'll be your devil

I haven't seen the boys yesterday (Sunday). I took my brother Noah, to a carnival nearby. He loved it. He's only five so he wasn't tall enough for all the rides yet but we still had a blast. Now it's Monday morning and we're walking to breakfast.

"What do you want to eat Captain," I ask Noah. Captain a nickname I gave him when he was 3. Mom left me in charge and he wasn't happy so I told him he could be in charge while I'm in charge and called him captain.

He wanted to go to the park, we went. Ice cream, we ate. It was apart of the schedule but I made it seem like his idea. After every command I'd say aye aye captain and get him to laugh.

"Waffles," he replies ecstatically.

"Ready to meet my friends," I ask. Noah loves meeting new people. He's a social butterfly and talks nonstop. Like really he could talk all day and not get tired.

"Yes, Nicky, Chris, JJ and Sammy," he shouts. Did I mention he asked me their names over and over again all did yesterday till he remembered.


I grabbed a plate with 2 waffles and a bowl of fruit for Noah and I to share. He's little so he can't eat much and I barely eat in the morning so I'll just eat his leftovers.

"Good morning ladies," I greet the boys as we approach their table.

"Hi. I'm Noah," Noah greets excitedly.

"Hey little man," Chris retorts
"Hey bud," Sam greets
"Hi Noah," JJ replies
"Hey new best friend, what's up," Nick greets, he's like a child at heart, they'll get along just great.

After introducing Noah, we all end up talking about Noah's friends and his crush back home.

"Hi Chris," a squeaky voice greets. I'm not in the mood to even look at Hayley right now.

"Uhh hey," Chris greets back in a bored voice.

"Who's that?," Noah whispers.

"A witch," Nick answers.

"She looks like one," says Noah, causing me and Nick to burst in a fit of laughter.

"Who's this little boy," Hayley questions reaching her hand towards Noah to which Sam pushes her hand back. Hayley then glares at Sam.

"None of your business," JJ answers clearly annoyed by her presence. Well I'm gonna go.

"We've got math," I say to Nick getting up.
"You ready babes," I ask Noah drinking his orange juice.

"Though you'd never ask," Chris intervenes with a teasing smirk. To which I roll my eyes.

"Wasn't talking to you,"

"I'm wounded princess,"

"I could do worse," I jest. I turn around to see Noah on Nick's back. They're so cute. I pick up Nick's bag and carry it to class for him. I may have secretly snapped a quick picture of them together before helping Noah off Nick.

I placed him in the seat next to me at the back corner and gave him heaphones and my laptop so he could watch The Backyardigans.


After class I handed Noah off to Chris since I couldn't bring him to gym. Chris has a free all week since his teacher is at a funeral. I left gym class a little early to surprise Chris and Noah.

As soon as I got to the park they're at, I see Chris chasing Noah with his hands out while Noah is running away laughing. Chris caught his and threw him in the air laughing. I took out my phone so I could record them. May I say cuteness overload.

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