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Qi Saburo took the exam faster than last time. The college exam was two fewer than the county exam. It's just that the exam place was far away from home. Qi Ming didn't wait for the list this time. Instead, he returned a letter saying that he was going home and waiting for news. .

It's business as usual at home, probably because this time they didn't come back after being released on the list. Their mentality is fairly calm, not the excitement and panic that they had after winning the case last time.

It's just that Liu shi as a mother is still worried.

Others worry about whether Qi Ming can get it, but Liu shi worry is whether Qi Ming is in good health and whether he is in a good mood.

Maybe even Qi Ming himself has forgotten the thing he came back with his arm hanging before the Chinese New Year. Last time, he was trying to cheat the person who harmed him. When he knew that it was Cai Shi Erlang, and the Cai family was defeated, naturally Throw this thing behind.

But Liu shi did not easily forget. Even if she knew that it was a fake, she would unconsciously worry about whether her son would get hurt outside, and would go to the small Buddhist hall to recite scriptures from time to time. The motherly heart was always extremely hot.

Ye Jiao didn't bother Liu shi in the past few days, but stayed in her yard.

It has been four months since the belly is beginning to be obvious, and the human body is different. Some people can see a bulge in the lower abdomen in two months, and some people can see pregnancy late.

Ye Jiao was originally slender, but she was later than others.

At this moment, it's just a slight bulge in the lower abdomen, and it can't be seen by covering it with a slightly larger robe.

It's just that Ye Jiao would always put her hand on her lower abdomen unconsciously, and touch it from time to time, which seemed very fresh.

The weather is good today, so Ye Jiao walked out holding Shiya grass, and by the way, she was able to weed the medicinal flowers in the yard.

But this weeding is done by squatting down. In the past, Ye Jiao only found it interesting, and she was very happy to do it, and did not feel tired. But now she is a little clumsy when she gets up and down, Xiao Su dare not let her squat and run over to support her. Ye Jiao said, "Second young lady, just rest and I will do it."

Ye Jiao looked at her and said, "I'm fine."

Xiao Su didn't listen to her this time: "Li Langzhong said before that he shouldn't be tired this month, and the second young master also said...to listen to Li Langzhong."

And Qi Yun also told Xiao Su that if Ye Jiao didn't look after him well, he would pluck Xiao Hei's hair and stew to eat.

Xiao Su sighed in his heart, feeling that the big black-feathered rooster she raised could survive until now, and it would be a miracle that it didn't turn into stewed chicken soup or fried chicken.

Ye Jiao didn't insist and gave Xiao Su the small hoe, while she sat at the stone table and looked at the stone bud grass on the table.

Originally, there were no stone tables in the yard, but Qi Yun watched Ye Jiao always like to walk around holding flower pots. For fear that she would fall, he let people move the stone tables and stone benches in, and put them in a sunny place. , So that Ye Jiao could sit, watching Shi Yacao while basking in the sun.

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