13. Raging Forest

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Something woke me up, and I hurried to sit. I looked around in confusion, and for a moment, I couldn't understand what I was seeing. Why was I in a forest? Then I remembered how I had gotten there, and why. I sighed and slowly stood up, stretching my back and legs. I had no idea how long I'd been sleeping there, and what was it that had finally woken me up.

Not until a horridly loud sound made me jump, and I looked up at the sky. A bright flash of light illuminated the dark sky, and I instinctively counted the seconds. Three seconds, and the rumbling thunder shook the ground under my feet. And it wasn't the last one.

"Oh, crap..." I muttered when I remembered what my Dad had told me.

The weather was getting bad. In just mere moments, the wind turned into a storm, and heavy rain fell down on me. The sky was flashing angrily all around me, like Zeus himself had just hit his pinky toe in a corner of his table. It was bad. It was really bad.

I turned around, and was about to start running towards the school to get to safety, but then I had to turn around again. And again. I had no idea where I was, or which direction I needed to take to get back! The sky was so dark I couldn't see the sun behind the angry clouds, so I couldn't even tell what time it was. It could've been late evening for all I knew!

I tried to look for clues or signs or anything that could tell me where I was or which way to go. Then I remembered my phone! It had a map! I looked around to see where my bag was, but I couldn't find it. Of course I couldn't – I had stupidly left it by the road!

I had nothing else with me except my wet clothes.

"Now I've done it," I whispered, but I couldn't hear myself over the furious thunderstorm.

I had to find somewhere to stay. The thunder was right above me. It was dangerous to stay in the forest, and not just because of the lightning. The wind was blowing so strong the old trees were bending, and I could hear loud bangs all around me when the wind mutilated them.

I didn't waste a second. I started running, hoping I was going towards the city. I heard a tree falling down somewhere close by, but it was too dark for me to see it. I rushed through the bushes and thick grass, trying to keep my eyes out for a shelter.

I tripped and almost fell on my face when a lightning hit a tree close by. I saw red and blue sparks flying everywhere, and the tree collapsed. I stumbled back on my feet and kept running in another direction.

I didn't know how long I'd been stumbling through the raging forest when I saw a river looming up ahead. I laughed cheerfully when I saw it. I knew it was leading to the city! I'd been studying maps a lot, and it was the only river that size in this part of the forest. When I ran towards it, another lightning struck the ground close by. I picked up my pace, but ended up tripping again.

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