2. The Project

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"So, what should we pick as our project?"

I heard the question, but my brain had temporarily shut down. There was only one thought in my head.

Max Peterson is my partner! Maximus Peterson himself is my freaking partner! I get to spend two whole months with him!

"Sky?" Max spoke my name, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Sorry," I muttered with a blush, and looked down at my desk.

"You seemed like you were deep in your thoughts," Max said with a smile. "What were you thinking about?"

I turned to peek at him shyly. The look in his eyes was curious, not mean or mischievous like I'd feared. Obviously, I couldn't tell him the truth, and since I was bad at lying, I decided to change the subject.

"Your eyes – I never realized they were different colors," I stammered.

"Oh, it's called heterochromia," Max explained. "I was born with them."

I nodded and stared at his eyes for a long time. They fascinated me. They made him even more interesting, if possible. I didn't realize what I was doing until Max cleared his throat, and I snapped awake. I quickly turned to look away in embarrassment.

"Uh... Sorry... I didn't mean to stare..."

"Don't worry. You're not the first one to do that," Max chuckled, turning his attention back to the papers in front of him.

If he thought people stared at him because of his eyes, he was horribly wrong. I was receiving ugly looks from pretty much everyone in our class. I had the feeling my life wasn't going to get any easier from now on. I was the weirdo of the school, and even I knew I didn't deserve to be Max's partner.

"What subject should we pick?" Max asked again.

"I – I don't know. What do you want?" I asked nervously.

"I have no idea what is interesting enough. I don't know much about animals," he said with a grin. "I like dogs, but I don't think Mr. Jones lets us pick them."

I had a few options already, but I wasn't sure if Max would like them. I was losing my courage to speak to him since the other students were getting pissed at me for getting his attention.

"H-How about owls?" I asked quietly.

"Owls? Aren't they nocturnal?" Max frowned.

"They can be awake at dusk or early in the morning," I said. I got my excitement back as I started talking about the owls. "I saw a pair when I was hiking around a week ago. I think I can find their nesting site. They were barn owls. It could be fun to follow their life."

Max was about to say something, but I was on a roll already.

"I found this abandoned farm not far from here. I bet that's the center of their territory. We can spend several nights there and study them as much as we want, but we need to be careful not to spook them away. There's an old barn we can use, or we can bring a tent and sleep outside and–"

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