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Let the game begin - unknown man

Meanwhile in India

Narrator point of view
The weather was gloomy and vicious as light lightning struck the skies illuminating orange lights . The house windows flared from the lightning it felt as it they may break . The sky was surrounded with pitch black clouds making it look as if the sun had already set . The house of the clock stuck at 5 p.m. broken and the mirror of the clock was shattered long before . The floor was painted red by the victims blood . The pipe of the kitchen was broken as water flow through it the living room was filled with knee-length water . The wall had a hand imprint of a lady as she struggled as the killed her and her family . The food was left untouched except for one bite savoured  by the killer as he watched the family die a gruesome and horrific death .  The whole place was a mess and smelled of blood, gun -powder , the wailing cries as the family begged for their lives . The group clicked various photos of the family when they were dying helplessly as ordered by the killer/their boss . The whole killing was recorded and then the house was burned to ashes leaving no clues behind . The whole neighbourhood was  evacuated and being hold hostage before the action took place . The killer flashed a creepy smile as he admired all the work done by his men who were terrified with his obsession being turn into such a nightmare as he began the killing spree .

Few hours ago
Tanya's bua (father's sister/ aunt) was setting the dinner table she felt grieved and guilty of behaving towards her  niece like this and wanted to talk to her but her ego was holding her back . She took a deep breath as her husband hugged her from behind and consoled her and told her to talk to her niece and ask about her well-being. He is right she thought sometimes we gotta put our ego aside for family as they matter the most . Her eyes filled with newly form tears as she remembers her state during the funeral . She turned back and hugged her husband who rubbed her back gently consoling her in every manner possible after all she has lost her brother . As they detached themselves they called their sun for the lunch . They found it a bit weird as their ever so noisy neighbourhood was dead silent today and couldn't figure out anything . As they were about to eat the door bell rang and her son stood up to open the gate and was confused to see a group of unrecognisable men standing outside . Before he could ask them something or anything their boss shoot

 Before he could ask them something or anything their boss shoot

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( Imagine him shooting like this )
from his 0.45 millimetre handgun and shoot the poor boy into his both joints of the leg as blood splashed and he cried in pain the parents rushed to their child and the group entered and forcefully captured all of them . Making them sit on a wooden chair with both their hands and legs tied the killer looked as Tanya's bua and told her you were the reason why my baby girl cried that day . Poor her she couldn't understand anything and pleased to release them as her son had lost good amount of blood already . But the killer laughed evilly and said you know why haven't I killed your pathetic son because I will torture him first and you will watch him die helplessly and signalled his men to start the torture . One of them come with the flask and forced that into the son's mouth after blindfolding the parents as they hear their only child suffering and crying from pain . He put ice cubes in his mouth and made him swallow them and then started punching him in the gut as repeated the process twice as she coughed blood violently.  During the third time the flask broke his front tooth but they couldn't care less . Either they do what they are told or they die more horribly by the hands of their boss . Two men come forward and started shooting her husband as she cried and shook violently in the ropes and tried to free and save her family . They shot him in the shoulders , then his joints and then took two long iron nails from the cupboard and stuck them into his foot drawing immense blood in the process . The woman shivered as she felt presence of men around her and within a second the body met with the immense pain of whips and was whipped mercilessly was shot in the legs and she tried to stop the blood by pressing it hard using her hand as the killer told her :- I am giving you two minutes if you are able to get out of the house you will or otherwise as they took the blindfold away she limped to the way to the door but alas couldn't get outside the door as she was dragged with hairs and made to stand against the wall as some of the men started kicking her hard and hand left imprints of blood

 The woman shivered as she felt presence of men around her and within a second the body met with the immense pain of whips and was whipped mercilessly was shot in the legs and she tried to stop the blood by pressing it hard using her hand as the k...

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( The imprints on the wall )
and she dragged again and was forced to sit in the chair and all of them was nearly dead by now they watch with salty and helpless tears as the men placed the cylinder close to them and put kerosene on the house and the boss or the unknown man with a sick grin lit

( The imprints on the wall ) and she dragged again and was forced to sit in the chair and all of them was nearly dead by now they watch with salty and helpless tears as the men placed the cylinder close to them and put kerosene on the house and th...

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( imagine him like this )
the matchstick the throw it  in the house burning along the agonising scream of the family as they burn to ashes

( Imagine the house like this and the man watching this from a close  distance) and watched from  close  distance capturing every moment in the camera with eyes filled with nothing but lust for his babygirl as the family died

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( Imagine the house like this and the man watching this from a close  distance)
and watched from  close  distance capturing every moment in the camera with eyes filled with nothing but lust for his babygirl as the family died .

Unknown man (P.O.V)
After getting to know about how my babygirl was treated by her aunt I decided to put her back in her place and to set a example that   nobody can take away what is his . I don't care if she is married to him she belong to me and only me . I will prove this front of that ba*tard too . I can wait to have you Tanya and to ravish each part of your body . I don't care about anything . I know how to have tanya and she will come to me with her own will without any force and I will make her mine after killing that Drake and his f*cking family . With these thoughts I went towards the address mentioned in the file and decided to kill them all but not fast death as there is no fun in that . Nothing gives me more pleasure than two things :- First to hear the screams and the cries of women whom I punish personally who dare to escape and second to give people a slow, painful yet horrendous death to make them feel pain , fear , helplessness and to watch them die it soothes my soul their cries are like music to my ears . After going in the house and killing everyone I decided to record everything for my future plan . Love your wife as much as you can Drake cause I am coming to take her away for once and for all .

A/N:- The next update is here . Do tell your opinion about the unknown man . To which limits do you think he will go down ? Will Drake be able to save tanya ? Let's figure it out together and I apologize for not updating tomorrow . Till the next update stay safe stay happy .

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