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Nothing can be more surprising, frustrating and painful  than a unexpected period . - Every single women who suffer from this pain .

P.S. - Kindly read the author's note of this chapter and share your opinion .

  I woke up on Mr Blackwell's room's bed and found myself in my nightwear . There was a severe headache forming in my head . I don't remember getting to bed . Various questions were swirling my mind when did I slept? What happen after drinking that campari drink unfortunately it's was just messing my mind more and It felt as if the memory of the event was erased . I couldn't remember I single event except for that I ordered the bartender to give me campari . The last dull and blur memory was that I was laughing and giggling to myself . As I looked around I found Mr Blackwell sleeping next to me way too closely as if I was cuddling him . He was having a smile on his face . Suddenly , a churning pain started in my stomach and I felt pain in my back . The sudden pain added to my already sore headache was not helping at bit . It made me feel very weak and tired as if I walked miles through feet . I tied my hair in a messy bun and moved from the bed whimpering in pain . It was getting worse with each second . The legs turned jelly and my I felt strong pain my stomach as if someone was punching me and was stomach was turning into knots . I moved hurriedly towards the bathroom ensuring that Mr Blackwell was still sleeping I am already in way too much pain . I definitely didn't want to wake him up and deal with his questions . After turning the knob I looked towards the mirror as my reflection was getting blurry and my pain was getting way too bad . I felt I may faint . I looked towards my stained pajamas and sweat beads began to form on my forehead . How the hell I am suppose to deal with my period who visited me now of nowhere . Suddenly a painful cramp twisted my stomach and I whimpered and fell down on my knees on the bathroom floor . I have never experienced such bad cramps expect for one time . I still remember it vividly I had just started my menstrual cycle and my periods didn't came for 2 months which totally freaked me out . My annual examination was going on and honestly I was stressed about the last paper of mathematics because of the stress and my irregular routine and diet my period didn't came on the due date for yet another month . After consulting the gynecologist mummy told me to exercise more which I did. The following next month I started my periods and my cramps was the worst cramps I had ever experienced . The only thing I use to do was to lay around with a water bag on my stomach . It was indeed painful and periods extended too make it very difficult for me to attend my last paper . My eyes sting with fresh tears after recounting how my dad use to make me feel comfortable and loved amid all the mood swings and sleepless nights . He pampered with so much affection and with sweets and tangy golgappe at nights . But in what way will I get any help now . I am bleeding heavily my pajamas are already stained . After calculating in my mind it hit me like a rock being thrown at me  . I two months late. I began shaking a bit and took deep breaths to calm myself down .   It's good that everyone will be sleeping  right  now or I hope so . Hurriedly standing up from the floor I decided to look in the bathroom cabinets maybe I can find something here before I go and ask aunty Maria yes it can work . Anxiously I opened each and every cabinet but I found everything except for a freaking sanitary napkins or pads to be precise . Sh*t , I am such a dumb and idiot person bhala Mr Blackwell pads ka kya karenge ? ( What will he do with pads ?) . I cursed loudly and slammed the cabinets feeling overwhelmed , angry and scared . What I  will do now ? What if somebody get to know about this ? . What if I had stained the bed sheets as It has happened way too frequently with me . What if Mr Blackwell wakes up ? Please no , wiping her overwhelming tears she looked around for anything to use but found nothing except for the toilet paper roll , napkins and cotton . She knew she can't use this things but her constant growing pain in her back and this tiring situation was making her feel weak and dizzy . Before I can turn the knob and go out with a lightning speed towards aunty Maria I heard some shuffling in the room and then footsteps . My heart began pumping loudly  and I knew something was wrong .

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