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When I told you I am here with you I meant it - Drake

Lesrov (P.O.V)
I was sitting in my cabin when my phone ranged and I get to know that my little gift had reached my girl. Just wait Drake it's just the start in the end it will be me who will be the king , the most powerful , the most feared by the people , the most authoritative . Just wait and watch ba*stard . I will make you beg on your knees . I can't wait to kill you in front of my baby girl and then I will bath in your blood after making her mine for eternity . I won't let your marriage bloom because you would be dead by then . She will submit to me and I will make sure that I tame her just like I tamed many other . I won't let anyone touch her except for me . She will accept me and then even your tiniest memory will be erased from her mind , her soul . A cruel laugh escaped from my mouth and I proceeded to continue my plan and more like execute it . Time has come to came out of the shadow . This time I won't let you win easily . This time it will be either you or me . I will make sure that it will be me only . Let's see how you are going to save everyone . It's like the saying that you can't save everyone . I will make bleed , I will make you feel weak , terrorised , powerless just you did earlier . This time fate won't favour you . Time has come Mr Mafia King for the ultimate war , war of power , war of position , and lastly war for having her . He smiled viciously and called his allies to attack the Blackwell mansion at the hour of midnight where the Mafia king will take refugee . Who I am kidding he won't survive . But I truly wish that Drake survives cause I want to kill him with my own hands , to crush his ego under my feet , and to take out his beating heart when he is still alive . This will be a show to witness tanya I promise you I will make your husband suffer for taking what's mine . Don't worry I will make you a happy widow he said while caressing her picture looking at the dark night clouds he smiled thinking of time when his baby girl will be in his arms a place where she truly belongs according to him .

Narrator point of view
The dark night clouds were sailing in the sky among the twinkling of the stars and the red blood moon ironically depicting the bloodshed which will follow later . Suddenly , a commotion was heard and then loud gun shots rang in the air . The atmosphere witnessed a sudden change from calm and silent to scary and fear to safe their loved ones life . Drake hurried towards their room as the security siren resounded loudly catching everyone's attention . The staff was given a off earlier by Drake as he wanted to spend some quality time with tanya but after receiving the envelope he was sure that the enemy was going to knock on his door and he was going to welcome them with their death . All which could be heard was gunshots and shattering of glasses in the errie silent Blackwell's mansion . The bodyguards fired back aiming at the chest , elbow , head of the enemy . The garden of flowers and freshness was converted into a pool of blood and lying dead bodies . Breaking through the back door some of the finest assassinators were able to make through the circle . Everything was in it's place the dinner was served on the table which aroma of the dishes spreading into the house , to cups shattered into pieces on the expensive marble floor . It appeared as if Drake was not aware of the attack and they indeed caught him like a deer in the headlight but the truth was far different from the facade reality they had created for their enemy . The bodyguards was Lesrov's people only who were fighting from Drake's side they knew one way or the other they had to die . They were prisoners when the first clash took place between the two parties . Drake's was playing this like a game of chess , one move of lesrov , one his and before the half-time he planned to win the game . The assassinators aimed their weapons and switching it to night mode vision without turning on the lights . They still believed that they were leading on . Their is only one kind of rule that helps you win war and the rule is to never underestimate your enemy . Consider him as equal . Cause in the actual battlefield the more powerful and strategic one gets to live and the rest dies . In this situation the one who knows when to attack , and how to destroy more always leads . Suddenly , on Drake's signal , Dylan aimed at the head of the killer and fired three simultaneous shots taking them one after another with the help of the accurate angle their fully armoured body fell down altering their counterparts . Stay close everybody yelled their group leader . With a sudden thud another one fell down with Dylan and james were aiming at their heads with their weapons making sure to hit it at such a place where the armour was not covering . Drake smiled as he saw the terrified looks on their faces . So much to take the lion in the den he thought . Few minutes pass by everyone was silent one commotion was there from either sides but the *click* sound of the grenade of heard Drake and everyone knew that it was now that they linger out of the shadow . Coming out from their place Drake heard a blast suggesting a fair amount of damage . The next few minutes was purely horrific with the killers using each possible thing to complete their task and as mens engaged in a fierce battle of survival . Tanya was writing for Drake in their car with Jordan on the front seat and alex driving with each second her breath was hitching and she felt scared due to the booming voice of cries , yelps and gunshots . Drake and his men managed to kill them all and waited patiently for more men arrival in the mansion watching it from a safe stop . Just when they stepped in completely in the mansion Drake little the matchstick and let it fall on the ground following the trail of kerosene oil being poured everywhere . The matchstick created a dazzling pattern of fire litting everything coming in it's way and then a loud boom was heard and they all shook because of the impact with Drake hitting his head on the car . With a sweet smile and left the place to catch up with his wife .

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