3 | An abundance of smart-asses

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HE WAS OVERWHELMED. The city flicked past the permanently open doors in a blur of grey concrete and vivid grass. Chicago was a lot scarier in the daylight. Everyone was awake and moving with purpose like ants, travelling in streams of colour. They swirled in sickening patterns below Blue, who was hanging half out the train in dread and curiosity.

They were passing over crumbled buildings, the high beams supporting the tracks meant they were far above the crowds and Leander had opted for leaning right out the door in wonder, not a trace of fear in his face, just a blinding grin. Of course, Blue was Leander's surrogate fear, so the blond gripped the back of his friends dark green flannel - which upon further inspection, he realised was actually his. How Leander had gotten his hands on it, Blue had no clue.

"Isn't this amazing?!" The elfish boy screamed over the wind and Blue could feel how pale his face had become. Having enough, he dragged his friend back into the train by the scruff of his neck and dumped him on the floor with the other Amities, lightly smacking him upside the head.

"Idiot. Try stayin' alive until the test, at least." He grumbled, trying to rub some colour back into his cheeks. Leander chuckled and prodded his friend's arm playfully, scowling at the solid muscle that kind of hurt to poke. It pushed his fingernail uncomfortably.

"Y'scared, V?" He sing-songed.

Blue huffed, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. "'Course I am, you ass! I'm scared I'll spend the rest of my life keeping you alive."

"Well you've done it for the last eighteen years, I'm sure you can do it for a couple more." Blue snorted, quietly noting the train was rumbling beneath him as the breaks were applied.

"A couple more? Short life."

The mechanics screeched agonisingly and Blue could picture the factionless driving the train having to fight with the break lever, seeing as the train was very rarely stopped. Four times a year, to be exact, for transporting the Amities.

They halted on a lush patch of grass, the testing site standing squat before them with its limestone walls and five marked doors. The Amity and Dauntless entrances were vacant, no crowd formed as of yet. Blues, whites, and greys hovered about, chatting excitedly amongst themselves and occasionally between, although the conversation usually involved some insults. The pair of friends followed the warmly coloured crowd to their door and Blue stuck out like a sore thumb with his expression of slight boredom and mainly murderous undertones, as usual.

Leander was already breaking unsaid rules, wandering between people to ask Candor members some uncomfortable questions they'd be forced to honestly answer. He was like that sometimes - a menace.

They had to remain in their born factions until a list was broadcasted by the Dauntless tester, and the Abnegation testers were gently nudging people into alphabetical order. Blue was almost right at the front with his last name, and although people probably weren't looking, he crunched his shoulders over in an attempt to make himself smaller.

𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 [𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 - 𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭]Where stories live. Discover now