Arc 0.3 - Soul Space

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A/N: I really fucking love you guys!!
Thank you for reading for so long up till here!
Your comments are hilarious! Your support is just immense! And your comments- I can't bruh!! I love them all and I love you all!

Small snippet:

School was finally over. One of the many students went over towards the grass areas and the few trees on the courtyard.

"Hmm? What's this?" The student heard some quiet scratchy chirping coming nearby from one of the trees. Slowly she walked over and found a small ugly little vermin flailing on the ground a few feet away from the tree where it's mother built their nest on.

The student crouched down and blinked at the naked wet featherless bird. "Such an ugly thing... where did you come from?"

She looked above and saw the nest from where the bird fell from then looked back at the thing on the ground again. "I pity you, to look so ugly...*sigh* You must be miserable Huh?" She picked it up in her small hands and cocked her head at it as it tried to peck at her skin.

A sad face shadowed her face as she slowly stood up.

"Don't worry little one I'll help you."

The girl wasn't aware of a boy on the rooftop observing her actions. She turned towards the tree as walked up to it until she was on her tiptoes, looking inside the nest snuggled between between the truck and a large branch. Inside were 5 more bird eggs tucked together, and in the other corner were a bunch of shells where clearly the featherless baby chick was hatched from.

She sighed again as she looked at the hideous creature in her hands, "I'll put you out of your misery, little one. Don't worry, I'm sure you're mother will thank me for having one less mouth to feed. No one should have to suffer from such hideous looks. I hope you'll have better feathers in your next life." She brought the squawking and flailing chick closer and slowly caressed it's skinless, featherless body. Her caresses crawled up the chicks neck, and then to the skull...


A sickening crack sounded out. Much like one would hear from a twig snapping or a joint being cracked.

The girl smiled softly at the unmoving corpse in her hand and transferred it back to it's nest so that when it's mother comes back, she can eat her now dead baby chick.

She wiped her hands off and walked away from the tree with a satisfied smile.

The boy on the roof saw how the girl picked the hideous creature and put it back in it's nest and became enamoured by how kind hearted the woman is. However, because the boy was too far away and on the rooftops, he couldn't properly see what the girl actually did to the baby chick. All he saw was the girl picking the creature up and back into its nest then walking away with a cute little smile.

'Grayson' will now be referred to as 'Rhea'

It felt like she was stuck in a dark void, alone and endless. She heard nothing. She felt nothing. All she saw was darkness. All she could do was fall into this daze. Expressionless, emotionless, painless. Everything felt... muted.

A dull ring waved out from the distance.

Rhea's stayed unmoved.

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