Arc 1.7 - Alex McGuire

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The next day



"Briiiiii- Catcha..."


"Sir, there's a Mr. Alex McGuire here with a package insisting to see you."

The man sitting on the desk had a flash go through his eyes,

"Hm... have him hand in the package to you, tell him to leave after."

"Yes, si- HEY! Excuse me, you can't ju-! Mmh....MMHHHH...mmmhh-"

Frowning from hearing the moans from his assistant-secretary, he was about to hang up when he heard another voice,

"You better let me up, I need to talk to you about something."

The phone was handed back to the assistant-secretary, whose voice was flustered out of embarrassment, she kept apologizing on the phone.

Narrowing his gaze at the unprofessionalism shown by this assistant-secretary, obviously she's new and inexperienced, and this just happened to be the day his official secretary (male) took a sick day. He was about to hang up when once again he stopped his finger an inch away from the end call button on the touch screen, office phone system. The man suddenly recalled the conversation he had last night. With a bit of hesitation, he said, "sigh...send him up in a minute."

Ending the call, the man began adjusting his cuffs and placing the cuff links in their proper positions. With a indifferent gaze he looked over the door and continued his work.

"Knock! knock!"

Before he could say anything, Alex came walking in a leisurely manner. In his hand was a zipped garment bag which was slung hanging over his shoulder.

"Hey," he sat in the chair in front of the man's desk, looking relaxed at home with his leg crossed and completely leaned back. He placed the garment bag on the chair right beside his.

"What are you doing here?"

"Returning you a suit, of course."

One had a playful smile across his lips while the other had a slight glare shooting at the other. After a long time of silence, the blushing assistant suddenly walked in with a tray of refreshments, breaking the rising tension in the air.

"Why, thank you, darling," Alex tilted his head up slightly, talking her hand and placing a business card in it, "Call me," he said, looking right into her eyes.

Like fire, the blush that was crawling up the secretary's cheeks became more visible. Realizing she has been embarrassing herself enough in front of her boss, she quickly scurried out of the office like a meek mouse, closing the door behind her.

Eric observes this obvious attempt of finding a 'fling' with a cold gaze, "If your finished seducing my assistant-secretary, you can leave the suit and be on your way."

"Kicking me out so soon? I was planning on staying longer."

"There's no reason for you to stay any longer."

Smirking, Alex leaning in on the desk, he said "Really? I was hoping to see you about a possible partnership."

Eric raised eyebrow.

"The Roland enterprise. Ringing any bells?"

"What are proposing?"

"I want you to join me in a small partnership on a secret project that Roland Enterprises is trying to form."

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