Arc 2.20 - Grayson Hale

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Well now,
Idk wtf I'm doing with this chapter






Jacqueline skipped across the hall's of Collin's house and popped her head inside the den. "Hey Colin, I wanted to asked you—"

Collin has an extremely dark complexion as he looked at his computer screen. His son's kidnapping had went awry. Somehow the police knew of their movements. This was really bad for Collin. His son was the price for his debts to be fully paid. Now that his son is under witness protection that also means that he's still in a crisis with his overflowing debt. Then suddenly, Jacqueline Lunn appeared at the door of his home office.

"I'm-Im so sorry you must be busy..." she didn't notice exactly how bad Collin's mood was at the moment when she suddenly saw an old picture framed on the wall behind Collin Sharz and just walked right in, "Ooooooh Vintage~" she walked closer and touched the painting with her hand, "That's so cool, you know I've actually been obsessed with Santosi's art since I was like 5 years old. Is it the original?"

Seeing Jacqueline calmed Collin down. She's the same cute one that never ceases to amaze him. He raised an eyebrow in amusement at his lover's rambling, "yes, it's the original."

Jacquelines eyes immediately lit up like a Christmas tree, "really!?"

"I'm quite fond of Santosi's art as well, so of course I wanted to get a real masterpiece of his work for myself."

"Oh my god!!" She squeezed in awe. She whipped her head back at the painting, engraving each and every detail into her mind. While doing so, she swept all of her long silky, thick black hair to one side, unintentionally exposing her fair, unblemished neck to the male lead. His eyes darkened as he took in her petite figure, wearing his shirt and his shorts. It turned him on.

She cried out in surprise as she was suddenly pulled backwards and into Collin's lap. He lightly kissed at that enticing neck.

"Are you seducing me?" He took a part of her hair and twirled it around his fingers. He brought the silky long strands to his lips, gently kissing it.

Jacqueline immediately flushed a pink red, "I-I don't k-know, maybe?" She calmed herself down and changed her tone into a more playful pouty kind that showed more confidence, "...What are going to do about it?"

A sly smile lifted on Colins lips. He stood up with Jacqueline in his arms, princess carrying her. Her hands instinctively flew to clutch on his clothes for support out of surprise.

"Let's see... I think I have an idea."

Jacqueline giggled in a shy girly way. Collin brought her upstairs and to his— their bedroom.

Miles away, in a remote house. Down to the basement. The dark room.

Spencer growled as he listened to the sickeningly sweet words from the couple. He had someone secretly bug Collins entire house while he was away, so he heard each and every single thing that happened in that house. He threw the listening device across the room in a rage! Absolute hatred moved across his features.

Who Are You?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora