Arc 2.21 - Grayson Hale

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Adrian woke up. The rays of sun shined down from the window, brightening up the entire room whilst leaving a warm and comfortable atmosphere. He felt reluctant to get out of bed. His eyes opened slightly, slitting like a lazy cat stretching it's limbs. Rolling over, he bumped into another body. Adrian's eyes immediately shot open and looked up, propping on his elbows.

Grayson looked blissfully asleep, his face soft and peaceful. His black hair falling over his face perfectly, covering his eyes. Those enticing grey eyes were closed away, showing off those long lashes, and then those lips... fuuuck! Those lips! Swollen and bruised from being sucked and bitten on too much. He looked fucking beautiful.

Adrian felt struck, he couldn't move from this scene. Everything from last night felt as if a hazy dream full of heat, euphoria, lust... completely disconnecting from reality. But seeing them both absolutely naked under the comforter, and his sore lower back...He could still feel himself open and loose deep inside from last night....Adrian brought his eyes back to the sleeping Grayson and slowly relaxed.

After stealing a kiss from those lips, licking them until he was satisfied he dropped his head on Grayson's firm chest. Pressing his naked body closer and draping an arm over his stomach. Feeling the smooth, inked skin, smelling the scent of just Grayson. He could hear that steady heartbeat loud and clear, he could feel the up and down inclinations of Grayson's soft breath's. The warmth took over Adrian, wrapping around him like a cocoon. He closed his eyes, there was no way he could sleep now that he's fully awake, so he waited. Waited until Grayson woke up.

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The plot progressed and Jacqueline and Collin are now currently having a full fledged affair. Spencer has become distant and has already tried several attempts to break them apart only to no avail. Finally, he contacted Claire Sharz. The murder event is just around the corner.

Midterms have started.

He could easily locate Adrian's heartbeat inside the gymnasium, it seems he was still doing the exam. He still had an hour and a half before his afternoon exams began so he decided to kill time by wandering around the halls for a while before heading outside to take in the cold air. He walked out the back of the school to the parking lot and towards the icy football field. The cold winter temperature blew at Grayson's uncovered skin.

Unfortunately, this area of the parking lot was an area commonly called the pit where students came to smoke, vape, deal drugs, gamble, etc etc etc. A bunch of boys were laughing and fooling around when Grayson walked past them while tapping his white cane from side to side on the dark concrete grounds covered with a sheet of snow.

There, a guy leaning against a pole stood in the centre of the group, clearly the leader. The man sneered as he saw Grayson. The others quieted down as they looked at Grayson with contempt and ridicule.

Their leader said in a voice loud enough for Grayson to hear, "I bet this little bitch isn't even actually blind. He's an attention seeking whore who probably came to this school to get off on others sympathy." At his comment, his friends roared with snide laughter.

"His family must've been so poor that they faked a disability to get money from the government!" They continued to comment several other ridiculous theories in front of Grayson, very well aware that he could hear them.

Grayson paused and stood still as the others kept laughing. The wind blew soft whistles past them, suddenly cold snowflakes began falling from above.

Of course. It's this group.

The group that the original Grayson sought out and had each and everyone of them hospitalized after they trash talked his best friend and even cursed Grayson's entire family.

Who Are You?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon