Arc 1.6 - Alex McGuire

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Eric's mind went blank.

Realizing what just happened, his pupils dilated from rage. Without a second thought, he ruthlessly threw a right hook at Alex and fled straight towards the bathroom. All this happened in under 5 seconds.

System: [...I think you just ruined your chances for gaining any friendships]

"No shit Sherlock. Well then..." Getting up from the ground, he stroked his jaw and hissed at the bruise currently forming, "at least I know this body's alcohol tolerance."

'Sigh, there might not be any friendship today, but in the future it will be going on a straight path.'

[I doubt it]

"Shut up. It will happen sooner or later."

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he followed the direction the second male lead had went.

Meanwhile, upstairs:

Brendon passed out in the middle of sucking faces with Sherry. Being shocked, Sherry screamed and pushed him away.

When she realized what happened, she coldly looked at him and walked away after fixing herself up. She didn't even bother to put him back on the sofa. She left him passed out on the cold floor, looking miserable.

When walking down, she witnessed the disgusting scene of Alex blatantly throwing up on Eric.


Dirty jacket on the floor, paper towels everywhere, and a man leaning over the sink with water dripping down his face is the scene Alex saw when he walked in.

A scowl could be heard from Eric as he saw Alex' reflection from the mirror. Without a thought, he went straight to the exit. However, was intercepted by Alex, Eric kept moving while Alex kept blocking his way.

"I'll pay you for the damages."

"You think I need your money to get this fixed?"

"Just for apologizing."

"Hmph. No need."

Turning around, Eric grabbed something paper towels from the dispenser and picked up his jacket with the paper towels covering his hand, directly throwing it into the trash. He coldly looked at Alex, as if looking at the trash he just threw out.

Alex just raised an eyebrow from witnessing those actions, and like it didn't concern him, he walked a little closer.

"By the way, hot stuff," his green eyes went from the trash bin to Eric's glaring eyes.

"there's something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn't have your number in it." *Inserts a smirk on Alex' face*

Eric was immediately exasperated, thinking what kind of a idiotic bastard this guys was. "You really think I'm gonna give you my number? Especially after what you just did?!" Scoffing, he made his way to the exit, but was again stopped by Alex.

Outside, Sherry has followed them into the bathroom, keeping hidden while eavesdropping. Not knowing that parasite was watching her the whole time while informing his host.

Alex, of course, couldn't let Eric know the Sherry was very rudely listening into our conversation.

"Hey now, it's not like I'm asking for a relationship. It's only so I can contact you when I get you a new suit. You see, I don't like to owe others anything." Especially fucking loan and debt collectors...i promise to kill those fuckers one by one when I get back to the real world.

[...when did this personality exist?...] The system was slowly growing suspicious about the information he had on its host. In the beginning, she was acting normally, however recently she's been acting suspiciously out of her own character...

"No need for a replacement of trash."

"But I insist."

Anymore glaring from Eric, and he might pop his eyeballs out. Finally giving in from frustration, he handed Alex a business card.

"Give it to my secretary, after that we have nothing to do with each other."

This time Alex didn't block Eric's way.

[...Host? Why did you let the female lead listen to the conversation?]

"First, did you do what I asked you to do?"

[Yes, the news has even spread overseas. But I still don't understand why you exposed yourself like that? It's going to create a problem for Matthew if he doesn't say anything.]

"That's exactly the plan. He'll be cornered by the media and will have to say something sooner or later," leaning against the sink, Alex took out his phone to look at the progress of Alex McGuires blow up.

"That's not all, the main characters are going to make their move soon as well. Tonight should be the beginning."

It has also been two days since Alex McGuire's life has taken a turn. He should've been thrown into jail after trying to kidnap Sherry White from his obsession over her for the past year. Ever since they met at that party Alex has been gathering pictures, newspapers, anything related to her and putting them in a room.

Honestly, after transitioning into this body, Alex walked into the room for the first time and felt completely creeped out. Immediately, he destroyed all of it, until even the walls were broken. It took a couple hours to remodel the room, thankfully making it easier to breath in as well.

Overall, Alex McGuire had a mental illness for the want of attention from specific people.

"There is no way in hell imma going to follow that character trait, ugh. Now then, let's go find Amelia."


Sherry was sitting on the hotel bed, wearing an almost transparent gown. She was contemplating about what she saw back at the club. Before Eric walked out, she ran off in a hurry, but she still got the gist of the conversation. This good, this is very good. Grabbing her phone, she called Eric, while devising her scheme.


"Hey Eric~ Can you do me a little favour?"

{Anything. what is it?}

"I want you to get closer to that person we met at the meeting, Alex McGuire. He's a very important factor in getting to our goal for the company. I want you to let him give us some leeway in gathering more of Roland Enterprises property, shares and potential future projects. Can you do it for me~?

{...I'll do what I can, don't worry about it}

"Hehe~ I know I can always count on you, bye~"

The sound of the shower stopped, and out stepped a man with a towel loosely wrapped around his body. No, not the male lead, but one of his best friends.

"Who was that?"

"Just Eric." She threw her phone to the side and walked up to the man. He wrapped his arm around her, suddenly picking her up and putting her back on the bed while leaning over her.

"I'll ask again. You sure you wanna do this?"

"Of course."

"Your such a slut, sleeping with me even when your getting married next month..."

Without even giving her the chance to respond he caved in on her lips and began his thrusting without any preparations.

A/N: Oh wow! There's been a big spike in the comments lately. I've gained motivation from them to finish this chapter, haha.

I've been stretching out my chapter releases lately, it went from 1-2 chapter and month to 1 chapter a month.... I think I might go back to the 1-2 per month, maybe even 3. But school is being pretty shitty to me butt loads of homework.

Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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