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Waking up this morning was hard. All I wanted to do was sleep in but I knew if I did I would mess up my schedule. So as hard as it was, I pushed myself out of bed and walked into the living room. Just has I was about to start making something for breakfast there was a few hard knocks at the door. I let it go for a few moments but when the pounding on the door happened for a second time I turned toward the front door. Cassie's door opened and she looked startled as she poked her head out.

"Who is that?" She asked putting a lot of weight on her cane. I shrugged my shoulders and waked to the front door and pulled it open a little bit. Standing outside is a tired looking Rebecca holding a binder in her hands.

"Dude let me in." Rebecca said and pushed past me into our dorm room.

"What is it?" I asked and shut the door behind her and watched as Rebecca made herself at home on our couch.

"Have you look at the play book yet?" Rebecca asked and held up the binder.

"Rebecca it's barely 9am, no I haven't looked at the play book yet." I said and pushed my hair off my face.

"There are over 100 plays in here. We need to memorize this shit before we start playing games. I say since today is an off day, we start now." Rebecca said and started flipping through the book.

"I can't handle you right now, I'm making breakfast do you want something?" I asked Rebecca and walked into the kitchen.

"Sure I'll have whatever you're having." Rebecca said and went back to flipping pages.

"Cassie?" I asked my roommate as she was still watching Rebecca.

"Uhm no I'm okay for now thanks." Cassie said and rubbed her eyes before walking back into her room and shutting the door.

As I started making some eggs Rebecca started telling me about some different plays. I was barely paying attention though. When I cook I try to stay focused on the task at hand otherwise things usually start to burn. After the breakfast was made I brought the two plates over to the coffee table. I went to grab my own playbook before I sat down next to Rebecca. We took our time going through the playbook as we ate breakfast.

About an hour into our study session I had enough of looking at words and pictures on the page. I put the book down on the table and went in search of my cellphone. It was still on my nightstand from last night. I picked it up and saw I had a few texts from Travis. Just as I was about to read them he starting calling me.

"Mac Truck come let me in! I'm downstairs and the RA won't let me up even though I asked so, so nicely. I have coffee." Travis didn't even let me speak before he started.

"Fine, give me a minute." I said and hung up before he could say anything else. I grabbed my shoes and told Rebecca I would be right back before walking downstairs to find Travis standing in front of the RA office holding a coffee tray with three coffees on it.

"He's with me." I said and held the door open for him.

Travis ran over to the door and we walked to the elevator to the third floor and back to my room. I pushed my dorm room door open and found Rebecca in the same spot I left her in.

"Holy shit, this place is so nice." Travis said and closed the door behind him.

"Yea I'm happy about it." I said and took the coffee he handed me.

"I got one for your roommate too. Wasn't sure how she takes it so I just got it black." Travis said and handed me another coffee cup.

"Thanks, I'll go give it to her if you want to take a spot on the couch." I said and started walking towards Cassies' door.

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