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The rest of our spring break trip home turned out better then the start of it. A peace fell over the house as Mom, Alyssa, Cassie and myself really started to decorate the space. The guys came to construct my desk and had it put together in an hour. After they were gone, I made sure all of the clothes I wasn't bringing back to school were put away into my closet and night stand. Then on the last day we were at home, Cassie and I painted my room. It started out super fun. We both drew funny pictures in the paint on the walls then it turned into a tic-tac-toe battle which Cassie won. After she won four times in a row I had enough and I dipped the paint brush into the paint and ran it over her whole arm. She was not happy about it and then proceeded to paint my back green. I took my shirt off a little while ago because I got paint on it and didn't want to ruin it completely.

            That's how mom found us a few minutes later, more paint on us instead of the walls. She yelled at us to get into the shower and clean it all off before it dried on our skin. To make it more awkward mom set up sheets for us to walk from my bedroom into the shower, together. When we got to the bathroom she stood outside and waited for me to hand her our paint covered clothes. The shower took a while with both of us bickering back and forth about who started the paint war. Once all the paint was gone and we dried off we finished painting my room. A little while after we finished my room, I got a text from my mom of pictures of Cassie and I chasing each other around the room covered in paint. They are some of my favorite pictures of us together.

            I also managed to cap off the trip with a cute little date at the beach. Cassie loved it. Being from a landlocked state she has only seen the ocean a few times on vacation. She was definitely jealous when I told her the beach was where I spent most of the summer if I wasn't at the rink. The weather was a bit cold, barely in the 40's but being from Wisconsin, Cassie was used to much colder weather. She even took her shoes off and ran up and down the beach a little bit. It was such a beautiful moment it made me want to bring her back to Boston in the summer so we could actually come to beach during the season.

            But then my time at home came to an end for now. Travis managed to hop onto the same flight back to Wisconsin with us so we all took the drive to Boston Logan together. I said bye to Dawn and Malcolm first then moved onto Alyssa who I pulled into a tight hug.

            "Please take care of mom." I said just to her.

            "I will." Alyssa said back before pulling away from me. Next came mom. We walked away from the group a little bit before I pulled her into a hug.

            "I already miss you." Mom said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

            "I'll be back soon. May isn't that far away and then you are stuck with me for most of the summer." I said.

            "I know. Bring that girlfriend home with you will ya? I think she's a keeper." Mom said and pulled away from our hug to look at me.

            "You think so?" I asked and we turned back to our little group and saw Cassie in the middle of a hug with Alyssa.

            "I know so." Mom said.

            "Hey, you got yourself a keeper too there ma." I said trying to deflect the attention from me to her.

            "We bought a house together McKenna, of course I know that." Mom said all serious like. I couldn't help but smile and pull her into another hug.

            "Good" I said.

            With that one final hug and a few I love yous and promises of Cassie taking a vacation here over the summer, we said bye to our parents and made our way through security. Going through security took a bit longer with Cassie's cane but we made it through without issue and walked over to the gate.

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