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The morning after our makeshift thanksgiving, mom, Alyssa and myself all went to the ice rink for a morning skate session. As both mom and I laced up our skates we noticed that Alyssa didn't really know what she was getting herself into. There were only private lessons going on the ice right now so there aren't many people here.

I waited around for mom to help Alyssa with her skates and for them to get to the ice. I hopped onto the ice without issue and so did mom, we both ran a warm up lap and I let her win for once before we returned to help Alyssa onto the ice. I tried to keep my laughter to myself as Alyssa looked like Bambi on ice. Her and mom barely got far before Alyssa started falling. It was a good thing I positioned myself behind them and I was able to catch the doctor without much effort.

Alyssa thanked me a few times as I got her upright and left her with mom again before taking off. I went to the supply closet and grabbed an adult walker used to help people balance on the ice and brought it out for Alyssa. She started laughing but gladly took the walker to help her out. With them settled I started to run a few skating drills myself to loosen up a bit on what would normally be a day I would practice. I kept it up while mom and Alyssa slowly made their way around the rink a few times.

After a few times around, Alyssa called it quits and it freed mom up to come skate with me. Mom ran a few drills with me and it was nice to get some ice time with her as I can't remember the last time we skated like this together. We didn't take too long on the ice as Alyssa was sitting and watching us and we didn't want to leave her out. Once I wrapped up my practice, we got off the ice and returned to the lodge part of the rink to get the skates off.

It was funny to watch Alyssa try to pull her skates off. She almost ended up cutting her palm open when she did manage to get the skate off before mom tried to help her. After she realized her mistake, Alyssa waited for moms help. It was cute to watch them together, it looked like they were on a first date, still trying to get past the awkwardness. When we got out of the rink we went to a diner for brunch and then returned to the house. Alyssa ended up leaving not long after we got back as she had to work later that night. As she left, I pulled her into a hug and thanked her making the effort getting to know me and for being around for dinner last night and going skating today. I have a feeling this won't be the last time I'll be seeing Alyssa around the house.

With Alyssa gone, I got to packing everything I needed for the rest of my school year. After that was all done, mom and I just had a nice night in together. We watched the Boston Bruins game and had the leftovers from the night before. Soon enough it was time for bed as I had an early flight tomorrow.

The next morning it was hard to say bye to mom. This trip home meant too much to the both of us and I didn't want it to end. We finally got the chance to grow together and have those meaningful conversations we never got to have before. We also made plans for Christmas. I'm going to come home right after my last final on the 14th of December and I'm going to head back to Wisconsin and Cassie on the 27th.

With all the ground work for the plan laid out, I booked my tickets before we left for the airport. Saying bye to mom was tear filed and I think it will be even harder now that we have been basically rebuilding our relationship. But finally, I was on the plane back to Wisconsin. I watched the clouds sail by as the flight came into Wisconsin and then land at the airport. When I got to baggage claim I had to get a cart because I brought my hockey sled back with me. It was more cost effective to check it on the plane then it would have been to ship it to Wisconsin.

Just as I grabbed the box I packed it in, I heard someone call my name from behind. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Cassie. I carefully made sure the box was secure on the cart before I turned around and found Cassie speed walking over to me. I took a few big steps and met her in the middle and wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. I held onto my girl for a few moments before slowly putting her back down on the ground. Once her toes touched the ground Cassie pressed her lips to mine and I knew I was home.

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