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After the win in Minnesota, the rest of the night was a blur. We got back to the hotel in one piece and then we all headed to the ballroom to celebrate. Coach was turning a blind eye to all the alcohol, we just had to stay inside the hotel, something we all got behind right away. The music was bumping, the champagne was flowing and we all wanted to hold onto the trophy for a part of the night.

            The only downside to the win was waking up the next morning severely hungover and have to suffer through a four-hour bus ride back to campus. I chugged some power aid and took a few aspirin for the headache I have before I lowered my shades and grabbed the trophy. Somehow the trophy ended up in bed with me last night. I didn't ask questions when I found it as I knew nobody probably knew the answer. When I got onto the bus holding the trophy everyone started cheering as I handed the now beer smelling trophy off to coach before taking a seat in the middle of the bus.

            Once I sat down I pulled my phone out and found it's dead. I guess I forgot to charge it in the mist of my drunken haze last night. I pulled the cord out of my backpack and plugged it into the charging port in my seat. It took a few minutes for it to load all of the messages I got but once it finished I sent a text to mom to let her know we were on our way back to campus and I would give her a call when we get there. Next was to Cassie as the bus started rolling down the road. I know I need to try and sleep otherwise I might end up throwing up and that's the last thing I want to happen right now. I told her we were on our way back to campus and I would let her know when we are getting close. She is going to be meeting us at the hockey house when we pull up.

            I did manage to fall asleep not long into the bus ride thank God. By the time I woke up, my throat and mouth were dryer then the desert and I needed to use the bathroom badly. When I checked in with some of the other girls I found out we were only about a half hour away from campus. The time went by quickly when I started to go through the message from last night. I sent text messages back to everyone who sent me one wishing me congratulations. Next I opened my photos and it was a bit crazy. There were a lot of drunk selfies with almost every single one of my teammates along with some videos of us singing along to whatever music was playing. There was also a video of me drinking some kind of alcohol out of the cup of trophy. Once it was gone I yelled and ran off with the trophy. So that's what happened.

            There wasn't much time to to go over much of anything else as we started to pull into campus. I put my phone in my pocket and packed everything away in my backpack. As we pulled onto the street of the hockey house, we could see a sizeable crowd in front of the building. A smile made it's way onto my face when I saw the guys team waiting for us along with a lot of the student body. It was a nice turn out and to have their support in this win.

            The bus pulled to a stop right in front of the house and coach stood at the front of the bus to take all of us in.

            "Take a moment to take this all-in ladies, you earned it. Practice is still on for Tuesday morning and we are going to be flying out to Pennsylvania Tuesday night for our first game Wednesday night. Be on the look out for the email for more information tonight. Now, how about our captains lead us out of the bus to the waiting fans." Coach said with a smile and picked up the trophy.

            We all cheered as Megan and Toni went forward on the bus and took the trophy from him. The bus door opened and the girls walked off first to the loud cheers of everyone waiting for them. It didn't take long for the rest of us to make our way off the bus after them. Once I hit the side walk, the cold winter air hit me right in the chest. But then I heard people screaming my name and it warmed by heart to see Cassie standing with Travis and Chad holding a sign that said Bertinelli, my number one. I pushed pass a few people and got right over to them.

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