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After the game was over things were a bit crazy. We got back into the locker room and started to celebrate then had to break it up to do some media. When we were all done answering questions, I finally got a chance to get cleaned up and join the rest of the team in going back to the hotel for the night.

When we pulled up to the hotel coach set some ground rules for the night and told everyone to keep it together. We still have one more game to play before we could all let loose. With those thoughts in mind we were release from the bus and rushed into the lobby to be greeted by our families. Cassie once again holding up her sign and it led me right to them. She dropped her sign and jumped right into my arms as I got close enough. This time I didn't spin her around. Just held her tight and gave her a few deep kisses.

"I told you you were going to be great today." Cassie said as she returned her feet to the floor.

"You're right, I should listen to you more often." I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and pulled my mom and Alyssa into a hug. Travis brought up the rear and once everyone was greeted we made our way into the ballroom for dinner with everyone else.

Dinner was good and everyone was in a giddy mood to have made it to the championship game. Coach came back towards the end dinner and gave us the times for practice tomorrow before making it known that we are facing Ohio State in the final game. Some of my good mood fell away after that because I knew this last game would be a battle.

"So help me, if McMichael lays one hand on you I'm going to get down on that ice and beat her myself." Mom said after we got the news.

"You'll have a line of people behind you." Travis said and raised his water glass.

"Right, maybe we should let him go first then." Mom said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Seriously though, if she hurts you, I'm going to waiting for her after the game." Cassie said her voice had an edge to her that made me believe her threat of violence was actually real.

"Hey, the only person who is going to be leveling her, will be me." I said not wanting things to get out of hand.

Dinner ended shortly after that as we had the early practice slot tomorrow. Cassie and I were already snuggled in bed together when Stacey came back into the room with Becca already dressed in pajama's not far behind her. I didn't say anything to the pair as they got in bed together and turned on the TV. I made sure to set the alarm as Becca kept the TV volume low as an old episode of the George Lopez Show ran in the background.

The next morning came early and nobody liked how loud I set my alarm. Becca and Stacey both used the bathroom before I did so I managed to get a few more minutes sleeping wrapped up with Cassie before I had to get out of bed.

Practice was long and hard. Coach was pulling plays deep out of our play book for this game and wanted to make sure everyone was up to speed on them. He also already warned me that since we are considered the home team for this game, he is going to be throwing me out there whenever Tatianna is on the ice. She is mine and mine alone to cover this game.

With the message received we made it back to the hotel in one piece and got cleaned up before we went back down to the ballroom for a game tape session. We watched reruns of our games this season against Ohio State so coach could point out some patterns of play they have. After two long hours of game tape we were finally freed from the ballroom and we all made our way back to our rooms. Cassie was waiting for me on our bed when I pushed the door open. Stacey stayed with Becca and the pair were going out to lunch with Becca's parents so we had the room to ourselves.

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