Chapter 1

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"(Y/N)! Up!"

I groan as a pillow connects with my face, batting it away. Jean in standing over me, grinning like a madman. He loves it when I sleep in. He lifts the pillow again and I leap to my feet, grumbling. I elbow him in the ribs as payback and he lets out a cross between a wheeze and a laugh.

"How late am I?"

Jean rubs his side. "We have to be at training in 10."


Jean cocks an eyebrow. "No hours. Yes minutes. Idiot." I clench my fist. I would pay him back for that comment later. I race around the bunker pulling on my gear. I couldn't be late. Not again. Not when we were so close to graduating and I was so close to edging Mikasa out of the top spot. My stomach growls and Jean throws a bread roll to me (or rather at  me). I catch it with one hand while slipping the other into my jacket.

"Hurry on, (L/N)!" Jean calls. "You're going to make us both late."

"Then go!" I snap. I dreamt of my parents death last night. I'm not in a good mood. I glare at Jean.  He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm, dragging me out. "C'mon grumpy."

We race towards the training field, arriving seconds before our instructor. Everyone glances at us as we try to slip in unnoticed. Ymir smirks. "Sleep in again?"

"Piss off," I scowl, scooting towards Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Jean joins Connie, Marco and Sasha standing on their other side.

Eren leans in, grinning. "How did you sleep in again?"

"Because the world hates me," I respond sullenly, swallowing down the last of my pitiful, but appreciated, breakfast.

Eren opens his mouth to say something else but Mikasa nudges him to shut up. I shoot her a grateful look. She smiles and turns her attention to a man I don't recognise stomping over to us. Fuck, he looks to be in a worse mood than I do.

"Who's he?" I whisper to Armin. Armin shakes his head, eyes wide at the man's intimidating demeanor. He doesn't look much older than us. Maybe 19? But he has an air about him like he owns the place, and we are nothing but shit on his shoe. Which, as trainees, I suppose we kind of are.

"Alright, listen up, brats!" he barks. Brats? Seriously?  I bristle. Granted I'd been called far worse but something about he way he said it put me on edge.

"I'm Captain Levi and I'm stuck supervising you lot while you attempt to make a decent soldier." Alright what's his problem? Hold on... He's the Captain Levi? Fuck... I rose to my tippy toes, trying to subtly peek over Reiner's shoulder to get a better look at him. He's... shorter, than I would've expected. Way shorter. He has maybe less than an inch on me, and I'm one of the smallest here. It makes me want to giggle. Humanity's Strongest Soldier was a pipsqueak. An attractive pipsqueak, mind you, but still...

"Pair up, brats!" he orders, prowling over to lean against the fence, arms folded across his chest. He catches me staring and sneers, I resist the urge to sneer back and instead go find someone to pair up with. Someone taps my shoulder, I turn. Annie Leonhart is standing behind me. I stifle a groan. There's nothing wrong with Annie but... she's tough and good. Really good. I like sparring with her most days. Just not the days I feel like shit. The corners of her lips twitch, the closest thing to a smile I've ever seen from her. "Ready, (L/N)?"

I paint on a smirk and settle into my stance. "You know it, Leonhart."

We start and I hang back at first, letting Annie throw the first punch. I block it and dart forward, closing the distance and using my size to my advantage. I land a blow to her stomach that, of course, doesn't seem to faze her in the slightest. We continue on. Trading punches and kicks and elbows. Until eventually I manage to toss her over my shoulder (impressive seeing as she's nearly double my size. But height stopped mattering a long time ago). I'm on her in an instant, locking her in a hold that she taught me herself. A few seconds later she taps out grudgingly and I help get her to her feet. I'm properly smiling now, feeling better than I had earlier. I feel eyes on my back and I turn to see the Captain staring at me. We make eye contact and a bolt shoots down my spine. Even from here I can see that his eyes are an unusual shade of steel grey. His expression remains fixed in blank boredom and I turn away, facing Annie again - who is rearing for round 2.

------- Time skip to after training -------

I'm panting, sweat dribbling down my forehead and spine. I had a good training today. I beat most of my opponents I faced - expect Mikasa. We called it a draw as per usual. But I'm catching up. And I'd almost managed to ignore Captain Levi and those eyes that seemed to follow me everywhere. Almost. It was honestly ridiculous, every time I turned to look - when I felt him staring - he was either looking at someone else, or just staring right through me. Like I wasn't even there. I'm probably just being paranoid. Still, I can't help glancing over my shoulder one more time. He's talking with the Commandant, pointing to what I presume are names on a sheet of paper. His lips are curved down slightly in distaste.

Ugh. Arrogant bastard.



I hope you liked the first chapter.

Thank you for reading :)

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