Chapter 10

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Levi's Pov

The mess hall is entirely empty. I sit in my usual spot at my squad's table, though they're all still in bed. All except (Y/N). She's probably eating her breakfast in her room, like she's done for every mission we've gone on. I would eat my breakfast in my room too but I don't want to get crumbs everywhere, and my office is too far away to bother eating it there. So I sit in the mess hall and eat it here.  I'll have to go get her soon. She always makes me go to her, I didn't even realise it at the start but now its kind of become a habit. I think of the sassy little (h/c)-haired Scout, my insubordinate subordinate. I've grown used to having her around. Training with her and going on missions with her. Fixing her paperwork while she cleaned my office. How she always, always, finds away to disrupt something on my desk; moving a pen out of place, rearranging the papers. The little teasing, bickering conversations we'd have, not at all like the outright hostility that was between us in those initial few days. She can't seem to stay away from that Jean brat though. I sour at the thought of that annoying horse-faced cadet. There is something about him that just pisses me off, I can't put my finger on it. 

The door swings open and I twist my head to see who it is. I straighten, surprise flashing through me, as I watch (Y/N) stroll over, tray of food in hand. She smiles at me and I find myself smiling back. When I realise I quickly turn away, shoveling a spoonful of gruel into my mouth. She sits down opposite me and starts munching on an apple. "Morning," she chirps.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, swallowing the gruel.

She raises an amused eyebrow, lips quirking up slightly. "Am I not allowed here?"

I don't say anything, waiting for her to answer my question. She rolls her (e/c) eyes and gives a soft sigh. "Last mission before the expedition. I thought I'd switch things up." She tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear and takes another bite of her apple. "Am I interrupting your brooding time?" 

I frown at her, narrowing my eyes. "I don't brood."

"Sure you do," she says, picking a stale crumb off the table and flicking it at me. "It's all you ever do. Well, that and paperwork." She grins at me. "And dust, I suppose." 

I shake my head at her, taking another mouthful of gruel to stop the smile tugging on my lips. 

We finish our breakfast and start walking for the stables. We walk side by side, in step with each other. Even though since I'm her superior she should be walking behind me. But (Y/N) has never seemed to give a rat's ass about my being her superior. She's always been like that, I realise, even when she was a trainee during the Battle of Trost. Although, from talking with the Commandant I've learned that she never gave him as much shit as she gives me. I wonder why that is. 

Footsteps that aren't ours echo down the corridor. Who's up at this hour? I get my answer a moment later when horse-faced Jean rounds the corner. He falters, surprised to see others up at this hour too. He salutes to me and looks between me and (Y/N) and then at out ODM gear. "Mission?" he asks. 

(Y/N) nods, smiling brightly. "Last one before the expedition." 

He nods, shrugging. "Good luck." He starts walking again and when he passes (Y/N) he grabs her hand and gives it squeeze, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Don't die, ok?"

Her cheeks flush bright red and something tightens in my chest, burning and angry. I clench my jaw. "O-ok," she stammers, gazing wide eyed at Jean. He smiles at her then turns to me, saluting. "Captain," he nods. He pauses at the ice in my eyes but then turns around and walks away. (Y/N) stares after him, face still pinkish and shocked. I've only ever seen her blush once before now. I clear my throat. "(L/N)," I say coolly. 

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