Chapter 16

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(Y/N)' Pov

I walk down to the mess hall as quietly as I can. It's eerily silent this early in the morning and I feel uncomfortable disturbing it with my too loud footsteps. I push the door open and the mess hall is empty. Levi isn't here. I feel... disappointed. Why? I shake it off and grab my food and sit down in my usual seat. I start eating when the door swings open again and I hear footsteps. I look up to see Levi walking over, tray in hand. I smile at him and he nods and smiles back. Well, Levi's version of a smile anyway.

"Morning, Cap," I chime as he sits opposite me.

He frowns at me. "Don't call me 'Cap'."

I smirk at him. "Whatever you say, Cap."

------------- Time Skip to the mission --------------

Levi's Pov

(Y/N)'s mood has improved since yesterday. There's still a slight air of sadness around her. I'm going to beat the shit out of Jean for upsetting her like that. But at least her spirits have lifted. She seems to have perked up after training yesterday. The memory of pinning me down and smirking at me flashes in mind. I push it far, far away.

We're riding past a clump of trees. Which means we're nearing the forest now. I ride on until I hear a thumping sound and I look around. (Y/N) is riding beside me, but she's gone perfectly still. Sharp eyes fixed on the clump of trees. "Levi, there's something in there," (Y/N) says.

As if on cue, the trees start to rustle and shake. They bend and break to the side and my horse bucks. I stare hard at the trees. They're packed so close together it's almost impossible to see in through them. Almost. I see a flash of peach and then there's a groaning sound. (Y/N) and I both curse as 15m Titan stands up. It towers over us, casting a shadow over the ground.

"Fuck!" (Y/N) shouts. "It must've been hiding in the trees. How did it fit down there?"

I don't know. But it isn't unheard of. In previous expeditions similar things have happened. Titans who are far from the walls and humanity just lying down somewhere and waiting for their prey to come by. The Titan lifts its massive foot and takes a heavy step forward, crushing the trees and shuddering the ground on impact.

"We're going to have to engage it!" I shout to (Y/N).

"Yeah, no shit," she mutters, staring up at the Titan.

"You take out its Achilles and I'll go for the nape!" I yell.

"Got it!" She takes off on her horse, galloping for the Titan. I'm close behind. We deploy our ODM gear at the same time, (Y/N) going low and me going high. I hook onto its shoulder and zip forward. It reaches out for me but I dodge, slicing off its thumb in the process. I aim for it's neck and am almost there when it swipes its other hand across itself and I'm forced to leap out of the way, launching myself back and away from my target. I steal a glance down. (Y/N) has hooked her gear onto its calf and is slashing at its Achilles, she's about to take it out when the Titan kicks back suddenly. It's heel catches her in the stomach and she goes flying back.

"(Y/N)!" I shout. I curse, temporarily frozen. Caught between going to find (Y/N) and killing the Titan. My pause costs me and the Titan reaches out to grab me. This one is faster than the others and when I try to get away it grabs my leg, yanking me back. I curse again and start to reach up to cut myself free when the Titan goes limp and starts to fall forward. I look up and catch sight of (Y/N) standing at its nape, swords dripping with blood. I flip free of the dead Titan and jump to the ground. (Y/N) lands beside me a second later. "Are you ok?" she pants. She presses a hand to her stomach.

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