Chapter Eight : So Uneventful

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The days following that event where honestly rather boring. Nothing new or interesting had really come up. I was kept in the Hospital Wing for another day until I could be go back to my normal classes, and I only had to check back in every couple of days. Madame Pomfrey did that as another precaution, just incase the bruises refused to heal. And that was about it really.

I had an up and coming Potions test that I had studied vigorously for, and it was one that almost everyone was stressed out about. And I don't think Snape was helping with his fast paced teaching, and his threats to severely punish those who failed. I honestly don't know how he became a teacher, let alone stayed one for over 20 years. But I digress.

I was sitting in Charms, that I had the unpleasantry of sharing with Oliver, when it was suddenly interuppted. Professor McGonagall came by the door and asked specifically for Oliver. I didn't know what it was all about because as annoying as Oliver was, he wouldn't possibly break any rules that could threaten his spot on the Quidditch team. It just wasn't like him. So it was a surprise to everyone when he was called out of class.

But as it turns out, it wasn't to be told off for doing something against the rules - but rather to do with his Quidditch team. McGonagall had found him a new seeker. Oliver had refused to answer anyone's questions about who it was, saying that it was a surprise for later, and we continued with class.

"Hey Y/n!"

I looked up from my book that I was quickly skimming over outside, just after Charms had finished and smiled. "Oh, hey Ced. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to see you." He replied simply.

I raised both my eyebrows in surprise, trying to hide my small blush that had crept onto my face. "Come to see me?" I asked.

He blushed. "Oh, no uh- I knew you'd have DADA next so I just came here to remind you that the Hufflepuff team list will be put up soon."

"Oh. Well alright. Thanks, Ced." I faked another smile, trying to hide the small feeling of disappointment that had struck my chest. "And good luck by the way - with the Quidditch team and all."

"Y-yeah." He stammered. "Thanks. You too."

"Ok, see ya!" I waved, trying to politely end the embarassing conversation as quickly as I could.

"See ya." He said.


Studying wasn't easy work, especially for me. I hated most of my classes, so the thought of having to go through all of it again was stress enough - not to mention Potions. Absentmindedly chewing on my nails, I read over the same page over and over again, hoping that the words would stick this time. But thanks to my open curiosity and my lack of concentration, I simply could not focus. There was always something that would distract me or bother me. Yeah...the common room wasn't the best place to study.

I huffed, packing up my things and headed to the Library. I went there often, liking to have a small and quite space to simply read a book.

But unfortunately for me, many students came in during the week to study as well - so there was always little space for me to sit in or some kind of distracting noise when I came in. But thankfully, today seemed to be on my side. Seeing as it was Friday and most classes where over by now, students would spend their time back in their dorms de-stressing from the week, in their common room sleeping or out with their friends. This was the perfect time to study. Or so I thought.

"What are you doing here?" A voice sounded.

I sighed. Looks like today wasn't on my side after all. "Hello to you too, Wood."

"Great." He huffed. "I can't get a day to myself can I?"

"The feelings mutual." I said in an almost bored tone. "Now can you leave? I've got some work to catch up on."

"Well by the looks of it, you're not getting very far." He pointed to my empty notebook and dried out ink pen.

"That is none of your business. Now go. You know where the door is." I waved him away.

"Touché." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to my book - finally finding something useful that would help me with my exam. I dipped my pen back in ink and began writing some notes. "What are you writing?" Oliver asked, trying to get a look at my page. Turns out he'd never really left, as much as I had wanted him to.

I sighed again. "What do you want?"

"Nothing! He said almost defensively, raising his arm in mock surrender.

I glared at him, a subtle way of tell him to either wrap it up or walk away

"Look, I'll leave." He said, sighing. "I just... came to wish you luck with the Quidditch team list, that's all."

I raised both my eyebrows - this time in surprise. "Uh..thanks. And I hope that Seeker works out well for you." I said. "However they are."

He smiled - almost triamphantly "Oh they will, they definitely will."

I shot him a quizzical look. "Ok...well, goodbye Wood."

His head shot up. "Oh! Right. Bye, Y/l/n."

I shook my head, quickly getting back to my notes. I cracked my nuckles and stretched my shoulders, scanning over the next page. After about an hour or two of so-what concentrated work, my mind began to wonder. And of all people, Oliver came into mind. I don't know what was up with him recently, but he'd been putting in an effort in to me nice to me.

And to be honest - it was kind of freaking me out. He hadn't been like this since... well... before the incident back in second year. We hadn't really spoken to eachother since, well, if you didn't count the insults and competitive threats. The truth was, I still hated him for what he did - but now... I wasn't sure what to think anymore.

I was confused.

Insanely confused.

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