Chapter Twenty : A Huge Surprise

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A/n: Okay everyone, this is the last chapter before book two begins!

And don't worry, I've made sure to make it a memorable one ;)

Have fun reading and hope you guys have a great week/weekend xx

Y/n's POV:

"Come on everybody, let's keep it moving!" Andrew barked. He was eyeing each of us carefully as to make sure we where doing as instructed, keeping close tabs on the slow ones of the group. One of them, unfortunately, being me.

We all collectively sighed, begrudgingly following his instructions as we picked up the pace and zoomed across the field. It had already been a few too many rounds across the field, and we where all growing more exhausted with time.

Since the announcement of the next Quidditch game (Hufflepuff Vs Ravenclaw), Andrew been in a more tense mood. His normally calm, authority demeanor was replaced of one of stress, and lowering patience.

"Come on team, chop chop! Another round." He hollered out to us.

We had been doing the same rounds for about an hour, our speed seemingly not good enough for our Captain as he continued to push us along.

With the already tense situation of the first Quidditch that Hufflepuff would be playing a part of that season, as well his 7th year end of term exams, it was safe to say Andrew wasn't doing too good. And he was letting the rest of us know it.

After another round or two, Andrew finally let us go for a quick break. I leaned all of my weight against a wall as I chugged the last of my water down, broom by my side. I was practically gasping for breath, as was everyone else on the team. Even Feria, who was probably the most fit out of all of us, was knackered.

Normally I wouldn't have had much of a problem with this new regiment, seeing as it was probably going to do us some good for the next game. But day by day, my energy levels had been slowly decreasing. My sleep hadn't improved much over the past few days, and my eating habits had been going along with it. I had been trying my best to eat as much as I could to maintain a healthy muscle mass, hoping that what I was currently eating would be enough to keep a hold of that.

I was still tiredly leaning against the wall as I took in deep, shallow breaths, hoping soon that the burning sensation in my throat would be gone, as well as the weak feeling in my arms from clinging to the broom for so long.

"Hey," Cedric flew over, landing almost perfectly on his feet by my side and wiping the remaining sweat on his forehead off with the bottom of his t-shirt. I quickly looked away, blushing. "that was pure brutal, wasn't it?" He let out a small, breathy chuckle.

"Tell me about it." I laughed, tucking some of the stray baby hairs stuck to my forehead behind my ears. After a few more moments of catching my breath, I grabbed my broom and begun to walk to the lockers but the changing room doors, Cedric following beside me. I hadn't had to energy to say much that day.

"Hey, you wanna raid the Kitchen's with me tonight?" He offered, "I heard they've got some new chocolate cupcakes."

"No, I'm sorry." I sighed, already feeling the shameful feeling in my gut already begining to tell me off for saying no to him for the third time that week. "I've got some more homework to get done, and I'm going to meet up with Angie on Saturday to get a start on some Christmas shopping."

"Oh." He said, clearly hurt by this but trying his best to cover it up with a wave of the hand. "It's no worries, I guess I'll see you later then."

"Yeah, sorry again, I'll see you..." I said, but he had already begun to walk off.

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