Chapter Nineteen : The Downfall

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Y/n's POV:

Impatiently tapping my pen against the desk, I anxiously bit at my nails as professor Quirrel drawled on with his lesson. My Merlin this guy talked slow, I thought, resisting the very tempting urge to rip my hair out from my scalp just so I had something to do.

We where almost at the end of class, and I couldn't have been more thankful for just that. Despite the fact that I somehow couldn't for the life of me recollect anything I had just been taught in the last two hours, I was extremely eager to leave this class and put the last two hours behind me.

I had recently found myself struggling with alot of my classes, forcing myself to get the work that I needed done, done, even if it was half-assed. But it seemed that no matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried, something just wasn't making it click.

Maybe it was the added stress of Quidditch, or the sudden mystery of what was going on with Lynn, but there was definitely something that was holding me back. I only had to find out what.

"Okay, well tha- that concludes the end of class. Everybody pack up!" Quirrel's voice stammered when the classes had finally concluded.

Ever since Halloween, Quirrel had become extra jumpy. Stammering his way though classes, and too nervous to even ask if we understood any of the material. I think the only reason I ever managed to get through the crazy amount of homework he'd set us, was because I was normally in the library for it so much anyway. None of it his lessons made even a tiny bit of sense to me.

And Merlin knows I needed the extra help the Library managed to offer.

"Well you look like shit." Lynn commented oh so politely as they sat down next to me at the wooden table.

I was back in the Library again, tucked away in a corner nook hidden by bookshelves and hoping to get my mountains worth of homework out of my way just in time for the weekend tryouts.

"Wow, really? Thank you. I'm flattered." I retorted sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I knew their blunt comments weren't always ment to be taken so seriously, but it was fun to mess with them once in a way. If was our way of communicating.

I could tell they where about to bite something equally as sarcastic back, but paused as they took in the dark circles under my eyes and slightly disheveled hair. "Have you been getting any sleep?" They asked, a worried tone setting into their voice. Their concern made me want to wince in guilt.

"Yeah, of course." I shrugged, trying my best to brush the subject off with an easy lie. Because, in all seriousness, I hadn't been.

My sleep had just gotten worse over the course of the past few days, my mind not being able to shut up for more than a few seconds in order for me to get a genuine good night's rest. All I could ever seem to think or worry about where my exams. Plus, with the added pressure of practicing for Quidditch and maintaining my social life, it was not an easy thing to balance.

I could tell my friends where slowly beginning to pick up on my absence. Especially when I had to cancel on them, and even Cedric, a few times to catch up on some last minute studying.

I had tried everything to get my sleep schedule back on track, but it was all fruitless. I had essentially given up trying to fight it, instead using the extra time that I now had during the night to study even further. My classes where not going to work themselves.

"Okay..." Lynn trailed off, unconvinced by my excuse, but deciding to not push it any further than they already had, and thankfully deciding to denture the topic towards something else completely. "Well, you're never going to believe this..."

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