Chapter Twenty One : Protective Nature

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A/n: hey guys! It's been a while :))

Sorry for longer than expected delay with this chapter, but I'm pretty sure y'all going to like it xx

TW: flint

And on that note, enjoy!

Y/n's POV:

Feeling time tick away from the Grandfather clock in the corner, I emersed myself in my study books. As the hours passed by, and many noted where taken, it was either the painful crap I had developed in my hand or my gradually shutting eyes that finally made me pause.

I let out an ever building breath, smiling in pure relief as I shut the last of my books closed. I had finally finished all of my homework for the weekend, and now I could simply kick back and relax.

But then, as I took notice of the time, I quickly sat up in my seat. Shit, I swore under my breath, already begining to grab my things.

I began packing away my supplies at a astounding pace: my books, my quills, my ink, and my parchment that was definitely going to get smashed by the weight of the other supplies.

I was late.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!" I chorused, running to my room as I threw on some quick and comfortable winter clothes. Well, as comfortable as one could be in so many layers.

"Y/n, you're late-"

"I know, I know!" I replied with, already huffing and puffing as I grabbed my other bag.

"See ya!" I yelled back at Lynn, running out the door.

"But, Y/n, your forgot your-" I shut the door in their face, "nevermind."


"Sorry! Sorry I'm late-." I panted, resting the palms of my hands against my tights as I regained my grasp on the air entering my lungs.

"It's alright," Angelina chuckled, "I assumed you would. I managed to get some reading done while waiting, and was honestly about to thank you for it."

I blew some hair out of my face and chuckled, "well you're very welcome."

It was only a week away from Christmas, and the second to last day of the school year. Angelina and I had made plans a week or so back to work together on some late night Christmas shopping.

Lynn had decided not to join us, having already done the most of their Christmas shopping by now, and having begun lecturing me for not doing the same. They had also decided to sleep in that day, which was incredibly strange of them, but I didn't question it.

The boys hadn't come with us either, probably going to risk sneaking in with the map late at night instead. And naturally, because this is Lee and The Twins we are talking about, it was almost - most definitely going to be done the night before Christmas.

"So, how are you?" I prompted, huffing and puffing, "Oliver still giving you a hard time?"

"Actually, no." She smiled. "Well, not more than usual anyway. I dare to say he might even be in a good mood. He only made us take 10 laps yesterday."

"Wow," I mused, "he's definitely happy about something."

"Oh yeah, definitely," she giggled, "So, where do you want to go?"

"Split up and meet back in half an hour to get butterbeer?"


"See you then!"

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