Chapter Sixteen : The Game

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Y/n's POV:

It was now a week later and the exams had finally ended, letting us all take a breath of fresh air. Well... for the most part. Oliver was distancing himself even more, up to the point where it was painfully obvious that he was avoiding me. Though I admit that I might have been a bit harsh on him last time we talked, it didn't mean I was sorry for what I said! He needed to be told.

Though, I really had no clue what to think. He'd seemed apologetic last time we talked, that look on his face showed he was being genuinely truthful, but then why would he just go back to ignoring me again? I mean, was the guy even thinking straight? Had the Quidditch finally gotten to his head like I'd predicted? I didn't know how else to explain his behaviour other than confusing.

I mentally shook my head. No Y/n, you need to get him out of your head!

"For Merlin's sake Y/n, get up!" Lynn yelled, harshly drawing back the curtains as a ray of sunlight burst through the room. Okay, looks like I'm getting up then.

I groaned unhappily. "But I don't want to leave my bed."

"Fine." They shrugged. "Just looks like you'll have to miss out on breakfast today. And such a shame, I heard they have waffles..."

I shot up out of bed before they could even continue, running to grab my uniform. "Works everytime." They laughed.

Now having enough time to get ready all thanks to Lynn, I took a quick shower and decided to give up on doing my hair today all together, throwing on my clothes.

The first game (Ravenclaw VS Slytherin) was only days away, and I was practically jumping up and down in excitement. I didn't know anyone in Slytherin that would be playing this season, so I had decided to cheer Ravenclaw on instead. I was familiar with a girl on the team named Amelia, who just so happened to be my Potions partner last year. She was an incredibly talented person who also shared my passion for Quidditch as well as hatred for Snape (but I think that was more of a universal thing.) Either way, I was going to make sure to pull out my blues' Wednesday.


"So are you guys going to be there Wednesday?" I asked, happily shoving down another bite of waffle.

"Well obviously, we've gotta cheer on Amelia." Fred and George chimed in simultaneously.

Oh, right. I forgot to mention. Amelia was also familiar with The Twins, helping get them out of trouble for pulling so many pranks by using her perfects excuse. Now the Twins had made sure not to put Amelia on their "prank list" ever again. Only very few people weren't on that. Including me.

"I'll be there commentating." Lee chimed in.

"I was going to go alone, but I bet it'll be ever more fun with you guys." Cedric smiled.

Ever since Cedric and I went of what my friends liked to call 'a date', he'd been going out of his way hand around me and my friends more. You'd think he was trying to make some kind of effort to impress them or to get some kind of blessing. Throughout our friendship, he'd met my friends a few times but understood that the two of us weren't close enough for him to consider them his friends to. Cedric did have friends, nice ones infact, but something must have happened between them for him to be sending more time with me and the rest of the group instead of spend lunch with them.

"Awesome!" I smiled, happy to know he'd be there with me to. "Make sure to wear blue."


Having to push through the crowd of crazed fans, all covered in different assortments of blue, Lynn, the Twins and the best of us managed to find some spots in the far back to cheer from.

"Told you we should have come an hour early." Lynn mumbled.

"Relax Love, let's just be glad we found these spots." Fred smiled at them, slinging an arm over their shoulder.

Lynn blushed madly, avoiding eye contact with him as they pulled their scarf over their cheeks. George looked at me, making sure to point at the two before fake gagging.

I rolled my eyes, laughing lightly. "Okay lovebirds! Let's focus on the game, shall we?"

Lynn shot me a look and I sent them a teasing wink. Wrapping the scarf tighter around my neck, cheers began to erupt around us as Lee began his usual commentating. "It's the first game of the season folks! And Slytherin are the first to fly onto the pitch!"

I resisted the urge to shout out numerous curse words as I saw Molfoy, Flint and the rest of the team fly by. "I know how you feel, I can't stand them either." Cedric laughed. He could probably tell by the look on my face how much I hated the Slytherin team this year.

"It's all gone downhill since Henry left, he actually helped the team win instead of resorting to violence." I added. "And he always handed out chocolates, how can you hate someone who does that?"

Cedric nodded in agreement, turning back to the pitch. Ravenclaw was seen flying in on the other side, and even louder cheers began to erupt around the pitch. Maybe it was because I was standing so close to them.

As the game commenced, it seemed to get increasingly obvious as to who would win. But as desperately as I wanted Ravenclaw to win, and I mean desperately, Slytherin was on the top of their game. Probably thanks to the new brooms. Stupid fancy pansy brooms.

"Oh come on!" I yelled, close to shaking my fist like an angry old man seeing teenagers skate by his house.

"Could you stop yelling in my ears please?" Cedric asked a little irritably.

"Sorry." I mumbled, turning back to the game. "No, no, no!" I yelled again, but a little quieter to spare Cedric's ears, as another Ravenclaw was knocked down.

"How the hell are they not getting in trouble for this?" Lynn having to practically yell over to me.

"Simple, house prejudice!" I yelled back.

Now Ravenclaw had probably realised it was getting serious and pulled out some hard stops, but Slytherin was still in the lead. You could tell from Lee's voice that he was faking his excitement everytime they scored a goal. And honestly, I didn't blame him. It must be so hard trying to not seem annoyed when a team you hate wins. Merlin knows I couldn't.

But inevitably, Slytherin won. As one side of the pitch cheered, the other groaned. What a bummer.

But as the realisation dawned on me, I felt my stomach drop. Soon, it would be my team up on that pitch getting hurt, and possibly even worse than Ravenclaw. I could tell by Flints threats that he wasn't joking. He never was. But I didn't know how I was going to avoid it. If I told Dumbledoor, nothing would be done. If I told my Mum, she'd immediately take me of the team. And if I told my friends, they'd obsessively worry over me and probably get someone involved. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be taken off when I had only just been put on the team, and I didn't want sympathy from my friends that would get me anywhere. I needed to figure this out on my own. Somehow.

"You alright Y/n?" I felt Cedric gently place his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I swallowed. "I just need some air." I quickly got out of his grasp, running back to the outside. I need air.

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