Chapter 57: Twist

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"Why did I have to die at the end of the day? Now I have to go through it all over again." I mumbled as I got dressed.

"Well, this does mean I get to hang out with Theodore again, so that's nice,"

Once I finished getting ready, I made my way over to Scarlet's room. I knocked on her door and waited until she opened it a minute later.

"Oh, Maria, you're *Yawn* already ready?" she asked .

"Yeah, just visit my room once you're ready," She nodded and closed the door.

I called Linda, and a few minutes later Theodore and Scarlet came back.

"Let's get going!" I said. We linked hands and I teleported us there.

Linda and Scarlet went off on their own again, while I tried to let Theodore walk with me.

"Are you sure? You look like you should rest for a minute,"

I shook my head. "I'm fine. I know the perfect place to get you some clothes,"

"But I thought you've never been here before?"

"Oh, well I just heard about it. And I don't feel like waiting any longer, let's go," I pulled him along.

We went to the same store as before, and the day went through the same motions. With one exception, I tried an apple muffin instead of a blueberry one.

We got back to the dorm just a bit sooner, and I quickly left them behind to my room. I locked my door and pushed the sofa in front of it. After that I checked the windows, and then the bathroom, the closet, and even under the bed.

I didn't find anyone, but I wasn't just going to relax. I pulled out my knife from a hidden compartment in my dresser. I got dressed for bed and turned off the light. I went under the covers, clutched my knife, and waited.

I didn't know how I waited, but I found myself getting sleepy. 

"Stay awake!" I screamed in my head.

Just then I heard a faint noise, and soon it started to slowly come closer. I waited just a moment before leaping out. 

"Ahh!" the assailant yelled as my knife grazed them. I heard something clatter to the ground, so I blindly tried stabbing them again.

"Just die already!" they yelled, and I was pushed to the ground. I didn't recognize the voice, but it sounded male.

I didn't know where they are, but I kicked up and they yelled out again.

"Fuck," they said in a strained voice. I quickly got back and stabbed in front of me. I could hear blood dripping on the floor, and the failed assassins shallow breath.

"Stop, plea-" I stabbed them again, and again and again. I plunged my knife into one last time before the world went black.

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