Chapter 11: The Prince

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To say I was nervous was an understatement. I wanted to let go of the princes's hand and rush out of the ballroom. But that would cause a scene, and I knew that my parents would not be happy about that, to say the least. Plus, the prince might get offended, and that would make me one step closer to death row.

So the only thing I did was smile at the prince as he lead me to the center of the ballroom. The music kicked in and we started to dance. My practice paid off, and I was able to do all my moves successfully. Unlike Prince Jack, who seemed to have two left feet, as he kept stepping on mine. After the sixth time, I let out a little "hmph". The prince cheeks redden, and I silently screamed that I just insulted the prince.  

When the dance ended, he lead me a corner of the room. There, my brother and another noble boy were talking. I had never seen my brother so happy before. In my amazement, I almost forgot about the prince!

Luckily I remembered in time. I stopped him and said,

"Your highness, please forgive me for what I did. I shouldn't have done that, I am truly sorry,"

Prince Jack stared at me for a moment, and I thought that I must of said something wrong. But what he said next surprised me.

"I should be the one saying sorry. I was the one who kept stepping on you."

I stood there in silence. I wasn't sure what to do. He was saying sorry, and he sounded genuine, but he was also a prince, and possibly my future murder. So better be safe than sorry. 

"Please don't apologize to me your highness. I shouldn't have been angry with you in the first place."                                                                                                                                                                                        "Please stop calling me your highness. I may be the prince, but I'm only a year older than you. If you stop, I will forgive you, even though you did nothing wrong. Oh, and no Prince Jack either. Just Jack will do"

I was shocked to hear this, but if it made him happier, I would do it.

"Oh course your- I mean Jack."

He smiled at me for the first time that night and started leading us to my brother again. I felt my self smiling back too. But this time not a forced one like before, a real one. A one I would smile around Theodore.

But my smile disappeared when we got to my brother and the noble boy. The noble boy was none other than Author Miller. He was a tsundere, and loved to relentlessly tease Maria when he saw her bully the main character. And encase you haven't figured it out, he was a love interest. And one of my possible future murders. 

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