Chapter 29: Secret Treasure

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Teleporting felt awful. Mr. March told me that the first time was the hardest, but it would get better the more I did it. I hope so, because after teleporting I feel even worse. My body was still aching from my fall, but now I had a splitting head ache.

"Ugh, where am I?" I said before I fell down again. Luckily this time , I didn't fall down something, but it still hurt. After laying down for a bit, I opened my eyes again. 

I wasn't in my bedroom, which is what I was aiming for. Instead, I was in a room I've never seen before, filled with crates, old furniture, another waterfall, that was lite up by torches on the walls.

"Where am I?" I thought as I slowly got up, leaning on one of the crates. I finally stood up, and decided to look into the crate.

I pushed off the top, and peered inside. "It's . . . an apple." Inside the crate was a single apple, and nothing else.

"Weird." I said. But then the apple started glowing with a bright light, and I covered me eyes.

When I looked inside the crate again, the apple was gone. Instead, there was an entre roasted duck, sitting on a silver platter. And it was a fresh one too, because I could see the steam rising from it. 

I wasn't sure if it was save to eat, but then my stomach grumbled, so I picked it up. I tore off a piece of the duck and ate it.

"This is actually good!" I thought, and I started stuffing the rest of it into my mouth. It wasn't very lady like, but at this point I didn't care.

"Ugh, I'm stuffed." I said, looking down at the silver platter, now only holding the bones. "I probably gained eight pounds from eating that, Mother would be upset."

Then the crate behind me started glowing a bright white. I scooted back away from it, and waited till it diapered 

I got up, and peered into the crate. It was like Deja vu, because inside the crate, on another silver platter, was a roasted duck.

I stared at it for a moment before going "Ohhh, so it's magic. Once you eat it, the food is replaced. This actually explains a lot, though I don't think this well help me get out of here."  

But the room I was in had no doors, or at least none that was visible. I walked around the room, moving around the old fashion furniture. Nothing on the wall indicated that there was a secret passage. 

So I turned to the waterfall. It was around the height of my chest, and it poured out of the wall more like a fountain. I cupped my hand, and drank some of the water.

"Huh, this tastes just like the water from the one I fell in." I thought. It wouldn't be too shocking if it was the same waterfall, but I wonder why it would flow into the room.

"Maybe this is the place that the staircase was leading too?" I thought. "But why would you hide a secret room with magical food, in a secret passage, that's also in a secret passage?"

Then it dawned at me. "This must be a saferoom! It's the only explanation that makes sense, I mean why else would it be so hided!"

"But this still isn't going get me out of here." I thought with a sigh. I sat down on one of the sofas and got back to thinking.

"I got here by teleporting, but how did I whine up here? Maybe, maybe I was pulled here?" I shock my head. "That can't be it."

But then I thought about it again. The apple changed to a food I liked, and I was brought here when I was hurt, maybe I was brought here by the room to heal?

After I finished my thought, the wall next to the waterfall opened up. Behind it was the staircase. 

"So I was right." I said in an awed voice. I walked out of the room, and the wall closed up again. I started the long walk back to the manor, being very careful of my steps.

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