Chapter 19: Surviving finally

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I was as ready as I could be. Mrs. Silvia gave me a technique I would be using to get the poison out of my body. I hope it works, I didn't have a chance to practice it.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into Mason's room and sat in my chair.

The day continued like it usually did, Mason talked for a bit, Blake got it right, and I needed assistance.

But I was prepared when Mason put his hand on my shoulder. I still felt the agonizing pain, but I was able to start the technique. Which was a challenge to complete, though it didn't sound like it would.

The technique was taking the poison that was entering my body, and expelling it out of an open wound. It would make the wound infected, but it wouldn't be an instant death, which was good enough for me.

But I did have a small trick up my sleeve, or more accurately, on my shoulder. That's where I put the wound. And where Mason's hand was.

"Ahh!" Mason screamed, pulling his hand back. Once that happened, Blake pulled back too, and all the poison stopped spreading.

"Maria are you all right?" Blake asked.

"Not really. I think I'll pay a visit to Mrs. Silvia." I said.

"I'll come with you too. It seems that a bit of poison has got on me to." Mason said as he eyed me.

So we set off, with me clinging to Blake. I could feel Mason's eyes on me as I walked.

Mrs. Silvia gave me a big smile when we stepped into the room, and healed my wound. She healed Mason's too, though not with out touching it and hurting him a bit.

"Blake, could you go get me some food? I think that'll help with my recovery. Put it in my room, I think I'll rest for a while. " I said.

"Of course Maria. Someone should walk you to your room. Mason, could you please do that?" Blake asked.

"Oh no, that's really unnecessary-" I started to say, but then was cut of by Mason's "Of course. Please hurry up now Maria."

And with that he practically pulled me out of the room and down the hall. He didn't say a single thing, though I was still scared for my life.

When we got into my room, he shoved me in and closed the door behind him. Once I heard the click, I ran to a candle stick and grabbed it for a makeshift weapon.

"Put that down. I don't wish to kill you right now." Mason said.

I scoffed. "Do you take me for an idiot? I'm not putting this down."

"You're wrong, I don't take you for an idiot. In fact, I think you're infuriatingly smart. When I first got the job, I thought it would be easy. All I had to do was kill a dumb noble girl. But I got more than I bargained for in that regard. I mean it was truly unexpected, the trap with the wound and expelling the poison on to me!" He said with a chuckle.

I didn't say anything for a moment, going over his words. "If you think flattery words will make me relax, you are dead wrong. Which is what you'll be if you don't tell me who hired you." I said with confidence I didn't have.

Mason chuckled again and said "While you are surprisingly smart, you have no chance against me in a 1 on 1 battle my dear. As for who hired me, it was the Miller's."

The Miller's? Arthur's family? I knew they were a rival noble family. But they presented themselves as a clean and good nobility, I was a little surprised that they sent an assassin.

"So I suppose since I know about your plan, you'll kill me now?" I asked.

"While that was the original plan, I changed my mind. It would be such a waste to kill such a brilliant young mind. So I think I'll you continue being your poison tutor. It will be interesting to see you struggle some more in my lessons." Mason said.

My eyes widened. Not at the joy at seeing me struggle part, but at the I'll continue to be your tutor part. That of course, I didn't want, even if he kept his word on not killing me. He already did it enough times.

But before I could say anything, someone started knocking on my door.

"Maria open up! I got you your favorite soup!" Blake yelled.

"You'll keep it a secret, won't you?" whispered Mason before opening the door.

"What are you doing in there?" Blake asked as the servants came in with the food.

"Maria wanted some company, and I was happy to oblige." Mason said a little cheekily.

Blake looked like he didn't believe him. "Well I'll be keeping her company now, so you can go back to your own room."

"Of course. I wouldn't want to interrupt your sibling bonding time." And with that, I didn't see Mason for the rest of the day, which was spent in my room with Blake, until of course bedtime, where I visited Theodore.

After everything that happened that day, I needed to end it on a good note. Especially since I'll be stuck with Mason for the foreseeable future.

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