Chapter 16: Poison Tutoring

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I was hoping for a few days to relax after my debut, but I only got one. And now the familiar pit in my stomach was back as I made my way to Mason's room. It doubled when I stepped in and saw him.

Black hair with tips in emerald green, matching his eye color. He only had one left, his other was always hidden behind his hair. With pale porcelain skin, and a smile that says he knows too much, he had always given me a creepy vibe in the game. But now that sky rocketed tenfold since he was actually in front of me.

But still, I put on a smile and sat next to my brother. I still didn't trust him completely after he killed me, but him being here was still a comfort.

"So students, my name is Mason. And I will be your poison magic tutor. Follow every thing I say, and we'll get along just find."

I nodded along with my brother. Hopefully, following what Mason says won't get me killed.

"Now I need you to focus on your stomach. Think about all the disgusting toxins in it, and imagine it spreading around your body." Mason instructed.

Blake did it successfully, and a dark purple smog covered his body. I was able to visualize the smog in my stomach, but I couldn't get it to travel any where else.

"Excellent Mr. Blake, but Mrs. Maria, you seem to be having some trouble. Do you wish for my help?" Mason asked me, with a sadist glint in his eyes.

I didn't want to, but I couldn't just say no, could I? So I nodded.

"Good, now I think this world be a great learning opportunity for Blake, so just follow along with what I say."

Blake nodded and walked next to me. He wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Now, grab her hand with yours and hold them over her stomach."

Blake did just that, and soon the dark purple smog surrounded my body. And so did the pain.

I tried not to whimper, but Mason must of heard me. He appeared over my shoulder and whispered in my ear "Just relax, It'll all be over soon." He rested his hand on my shoulder, and new pain shot through my body.

That didn't make me relax, what a surprise, but at that point I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak.

"Maria, hold on! Maria-" Blake was saying but his voice disappeared, and the world went black.

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