Ch. 2 The Runaways

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In the woods,under a shady tree Maddie wakes up but her head still hurts. She sits up only to see someone in a mask looking at her. "Hey guys she's awake". The rest walked over and Maddie started scooting against the tree, "who are you people".They took off their mask and she was looking at kids her age. Then she felt a sharp pain in her head, "ugh what happened". "The White Noise its a frequency only kids can hear but it hurts when mutants hear it" said the boy."how come your heads aren't hurting or anything" she asked. "Because these Mask are sound proof so they block out the noise we were able to fight them off and carry you here" said one of the girls.

"I'm sorry we're being awfully rude I'm Ferno, this is Swift, that's Willa, and that's Roar" he said. Maddie looks at her and said "why is your name Roar". Immediately she screamed and Blew Maddie two feet away. "You could just said hey I have sonic scream instead of blowing me away". "What's your name new girl" said Willa. Maddie said while dusting herself off, "I'm Maddie Daly". "Well people were chasing you on a freakin four wheeler so that makes you a mutant so like what's your mutant name" said Swift. "I don't have one so call me Maddie". "What's your mutant power" asked Willa. "I'm not sure but I can destroy things in my path". That's when Swift got from infront of her and got behind her. Everyone started looking, "what girl just said she murders things in her path you be smart and do the same thing.

"Well...Maddie welcome to the runaways. This is your home and we are now your family" said Swift. "I'm not living out here in nature I'm not tarzan I'm calling my parents" she said. "No you can't call your parents because they will track us trust me we've tried there gonna pinpoint our location and take us to the camps" said Willa. "And besides we don't sleep under the stars we have a bunker covered in moss but its not safe here so we need to keep moving to the abandoned mall for supplies" said Roar.

So they went to the bunker and grabbed their stuff and hit the road. Thirty minutes in Maddie asks a question. "So how did you guys meet each other or know each other" asked Maddie. "Actually we all met up in the camps when we were five and six" said Ferno. "We devise a plan using all of our powers to escape" said Willa. "We use Swift to grab the mask we need and empty out every gun and destroy The White Noise,then we use Ferno to make a fire to cause a distraction, we used strong mutants in the camps and Willa to fight the guards, and me I used my sonic scream to break the wall and every mutant in that camp escape. We stuck together but everyone went their separate ways" said Roar. "And that is why we call ourselves 'The Runaways' your also runaway miss maddie because you ran away as well" said Swift.

"Look at that Maddie is famous on the news" said Roar. Roar turned around and showed everyone the video on her phone. "This is bad now everyone around the world knows what I look like" Maddie said panicking. "OK first that video has store quality people can barely see your face" said Swift. "It doesn't matter I just want to be normal and still be with my parents" she said. "Well your not normal your a mutant and the only people you can trust is your own kind" said Willa.

Maddie sat on the ground and buried her face in her hands. They are worry because they know how she feels. "Look Maddie we know how you feel same thing happened to us during that incident fifteen years ago. I was forced out of my house I didn't want my parents to be in danger so I ran then I got electrocuted right in front of my parents. The last thing I saw was my mom on her knees crying and my dad holding her back" said Swift. "I was in school during the incident I was getting bullied and harass then I snapped and tried to burn to school down...well I didn't try I did burn the school down. Then I heard The White Noise for the first time it was agony and they took me away along with other mutants in school" he said. "I was actually helping in the rampage fight but you know I can't scream forever so I ended up getting taken away without force" said Roar. "I was taken by force me and some of the animal mutants. Like how dog catchers have that stick that is what they uses to reel us in the van. And I feel bad for dogs because those things hurt around your neck" said Willa.

"I'm sorry all those things happened to you. I was there when the rampage started, I don't know why it happened but I was scarred to see what they were doing to kids like little kids" said Maddie. "I mean hey grown ups are evil and so is the government they're liars and cheaters" said Swift. "I just know remember since your part of the group we do have some ground rules. Which you already know no contacting your parents. That includes calls,texts, and emails" said Ferno. "If you wanna contact your parents we write letters to our parents and have Swift use his super speed to send it to them. Rule number two don't go anywhere alone bring a buddy" said Willa. "So what if we are in the woods and I have to pee do I have to bring a buddy" she asked. "Yes I know its uncomfortable but you have to do it" said Ferno.

"Well hopefully I learn how to use these powers while being out here with you people. So let's head to mall Runaways". Roar helped Maddie off the ground and they all started heading to the abandoned mall.

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