Ch. 4 Livin That Mall Life

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Its a week in the mall and Kin and Casper are making Breakfast for everyone. Which the only thing they can find on the safe side was some food in the freezer.

"Okay breakfast is ready, what do you think Casper I got some general tso and just some instant chicken rice" he said. Everyone was still sleeping and I would be too if I slept on the ground. "I don't think they're gonna wake up hey Casper give them a nightmare" he said. Casper eyes turned Black and filled their heads with scary images. In 2.5 seconds everyone woke up in fear. "Good morning new friends or Roommates I have breakfast...Casper said morning new prey". "Uh she didn't move her mouth let alone said anything" said Roar. "She does since she has ghost abilities she talks to me through my brain anyway I had her wake you so you can eat breakfast" he said.

"Breakfast is bacon and eggs with sausage or pancakes with maple bacon or just cereal" said Swift. "Well this a MALL they don't exactly have lucky charms here. You know I woke up early to make everyone breakfast and all I'm getting is lip from you" he said. "I appreciate that I don't care what is I'm just hungry I'll eat anything at this point" said Maddie. "I'm just saying you know what certain food do to you. That's why you eat a balance breakfast is the morning its a little pick me up" he said. "You have been living with a chef for too long my friend" said Ferno. Everyone started eating and enjoying good food for the first time except Maddie. "This food is good where did you find this stuff" said Willa. "In the freezer they had chicken so Casper cooked it and I just found some instant rice" he said.

Everyone finished eating and Ferno asked a question. "So like what do you do in here all day" asked Ferno. "Well most of the time I try and entertain Casper so she doesn't get bored or I just take walk around the mall or go to the roof and just stare at the sky" he said. "Yeah I meant something entertaining or fun things to do". Kin thought for awhile for something they can do, "I know I think there is a home theater here we can go see if it works still" he said. "Oh please I haven't watched TV in years and Swift isn't that entertaining" said Roar. The kids walked all the way to the home theater. Kin picked up the remote and started touching random buttons until the screen lit up. "Let's watch a classic...spongebob" said Swift. "Really im not watching that gay sponge on Tv... I rather watch my girl China on Disney" said Roar. "Uh first spongebob is not gay and no one wants to watch A.N.T Farm when we could be watching the real queen Raven Symone" said Swift. "I'm sorry to butt in but I have been watching tv longer then any of you and I'm sorry to say but China is the queen her and Zendaya" said Maddie. "How about this take turns let the girls go first after two hours the boys can watch something" said Kin. "Yes be gentleman to the ladies" said Willa. "Sure can you point them out to me" said Ferno.

The girls watched A.N.T farm and shake it up for their turn. An the boys watch Anime for their turn and the girls were simping over the boys. "Hey guys can you babysit Casper real quick I need to go check something" said Kin. "Casper have you ever watched TV before" asked Roar. Casper was just sat quiet and she just stared. "I don't think she can talk or wants to talk to us" said Swift. "We need to learn to communicate with her she is a mutant just like us" said Maddie. "I have an idea I did this with my dog until he died. Casper can blink two times for yes and one time for no so she doesn't have to open her mouth" he said. "Okay Casper have you watched TV before" said Willa. Casper blinked one time, "NO what childhood did you have" said Ferno. "She didn't. None of us mutants did we can't even enjoy ourselves because we are too busy trying to survive and protect ourselves. Like what did we even do someone explain that, what did we mutants do to get treated like this nothing not damn thing" said Swift. "What if it was just one mutant that did this" said Maddie. Swift put his hands on his hips and said "excuse me". "Think about it what if one mutant did something and all of us have to pay for or the adults did something that the mutants didn't like and they all went on a rampage. No one actually knows what happened unless they were there on the day of the rampage. But we don't know any and most of them got killed. I might not know what you are going through but I did have a mutant friend and his name was Artic. And I had to watch as they forcefully drug him out of my house and how wrong I think all of this is" she said. Kin came into the theater, "so guys what did I miss" he said. Nobody didn't say anything everybody stayed quiet. Then he noticed tears running down Casper eyes. "Are you okay. Why is Casper crying" he asked. "I think she heard us talking about the rampage" said Willa. Casper got up real quickly and ran out the theater and Kin went after her.

After that all the kids were quiet no one didn't have anything to say. Even when all the kids were by the campsite they still didn't say anything. Until Casper heard a sound. She looked around but no one had anything in there hands. That's when she felt a presence from the other side of the mall. She grabbed Kin hand and started talking to him through his head. "Guys Casper feels another person in the mall with us and its more then one" he said. "Maybe its another mutant looking for sanctuary" said Roar. On the other side there were four bounty hunters inside the mall. "Do you see any mutants you there should be some inside" said one of the bounty hunters. "I know this would get them out". He turns on The White Noise and that frequency reaches to them and all of them scream in agony for three minutes. Once the noises goes off the hunters decides to split up and the kids tried to ignore the pain. "Nope their bounty hunters and that noise hurts so much" said Ferno. "We are not safe here we need to leave hurry and grab supplies" said Kin. The kids rushed to get the stuff they need. Then the kids rushed to a wall with a ladder and Swift and Roar we upstairs looking down on the ground. "Uh guys they're up coming up here fast" said Swift. "Well stall them or something do something" said Maddie. "Don't worry I got this", Roar put her hands close to her mouth and started screaming. Her screaming got stronger and blew them down to the first floor. "Okay I did what I could but it won't hold them for long" she said.

"Okay the quickest exit is to the roof so everyone follow me" said Kin. The kids went to the roof and made it safely. "OK we're on the roof now what" said Maddie. "Once we all touch the ground we are gonna run and not stop until we are far away enough" he said. "I have super speed so you just need to keep up" said Swift. The kids then followed Kin to a weird slide on the side of the building. They each slide down but for some reason blaze stopped out of rage. "Casper I know with your ghost abilities you can do this, please lock all entrance". As she locks the entrance Ferno whole body turned red and fire blazes around his body then shot flames at the mall to burn them inside. "Okay now we can go lets move" he said. "Wait are we gonna let them burn to death in there" said Maddie. "Think of everything that is going on do you think they care" he said. Ferno ran ahead of her and Maddie was looking at the burning building. Swift grabbed her hand and said "maddie come on we have to leave". And they kept running all night until they were far away as possible.

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