Ch. 5 ViperActive

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Its the next morning, and the kids all crashed after a very long run. Everyone woke up one by one and they all found themselves in a cave. Stuff that happened yesterday was a blur but Maddie felt uneasy. "What is wrong with you Ferno. I understand that you hate the government but that doesn't mean to burn them alive" she said. "You think I care they will shoot our people without a feeling" he said. "They already think were monsters don't make them think they are right" she responded.

"I'm with her you didn't have to burn it. We could of went back when they left" said Kin. "For what so we can run like we did today hell no. Plus we can find another establishment for now let's try and refuel our energy" said Roar. The kids ate quick snacks and regain their energy. Then they continue to walk when they should stayed in the cave for some time. They walked about one mile and came across this foggy jigsaw forest. Where the tree look like looped tree bark. "This place looks scary is there anyway we can go around it" said Willa. "Lets just stay close to each other and we'll be fine" said Ferno. The kids walk through the foggy forest and kept hearing hissing sounds. Then Casper saw something in the shadows and started to scream in a horrific voice. "What's wrong why is she screaming like that" said Swift. "There's something here she doesn't like I don't think were alone" said Kin. Suddenly a bunch of snakes from different colors and sizes show up. "Uh guys we are gonna die of poison real soon" said Willa. "Don't worry I got this I'm gonna make a snake kabob" said Ferno. That's when a strange person in the shadowy fog appeared. "You burn my sssnakes and I'm gonna inject you with venom" he said. "Uh hi were not looking for no trouble we're just trying to get through" said Maddie. "You are trespasssing Viper Kingdom and your not welcome here" he said. "Come on can't we talk mutant to weirdo" said Swift. "Really all of you are mutants huh" he said. "Yes I'm Ferno this I Roar,Willa,Swift,Kin and Casper,and Maddie" said Ferno. The strange person came down hanging from a vine. "Hmm if your a mutant why isss your name Maddie" he asked. "Uh because I don't want to change my name and its perfect the way it is" she said. "Actually its a law out here if your a mutant you go by your mutant name. Just like in the movie zombieland they called each other after where they were from" he said. "Look trust me she is a mutant. I even have video evidence" said Roar.

"I don't know but you are very cute so I think I can pull a few stringsss" he said. "And you are so not my type" she responded. "I like girls who are hard to get. And my apologies for being rude my name is Viper I'm a snake mutant and I'm king of Snakes" he said. "There are billion of snakes here and you extended the 'S' so its hard to miss" said Willa. "I have a question are any of your snakes here nice because I have a phobia where I'm afraid of snakes" asked Kin. "Here here brother you know black people don't mess with snakes" Swift added on. "Actually all of my snakes here are very Niccce. Except that snake over there the white one, Carter he is actually mean he may be small but he could kill you like that just like me" said Viper. "Wait so you weren't joking about that hitting me with poison thing" asked Ferno. "Funny thing about it I was born with three awesome features. Once I open my eyes as a baby my parents knew I was a mutant,also I have snake fangs also that hinge so once I'm hooked on I can't let go just like I'm hooked on to Maddie,and I was born with venom sac so I could kill you like a snake" he said.

"Anyway do you know a way out of Jigsaw Forest" asked Kin. "Uh no if I knew a way out of here trust me I would be gone by now with my snakes" he said. "Wait so your telling me you have lived here for years and don't know a way OUT OF HERE" said Maddie. "You look pretty when your mad. But I do know if you want you walk over there its a swamp and there is a Anaconda...". Before he could finish that's when all the kids ears started to hear The White Noise for two minutes. "Also I forgot to tell you I have a bounty on my head and I have been fighting off hunters for two days now" he said. "I'm gonna kick your little snake ass Viper" said Ferno. "Follow me I know a..." And that's when the bounty hunters came to them with guns pointing at them. "Put your hands in the air where I can see them" said the hunter. The kids put their hands in the air but Viper was communicating with his snakes and started attacking the hunters but they shot them with the guns. "HEY don't hurt them" Viper said.

He immediately attacked one of the hunters and got a electrocuted by another. The rest of the mutants jumped in to help but everyone was getting electrocuted and getting torture by the Frequency. Maddie was on the ground watching her friends getting hurt and hand cuffed. And with a blurry vision she felt very upset. Her eyes turned red this time and black mist was in her shadows. Then she brutally got rid of the bounty hunters. Once they were gone Maddie eyes turned back to normal. Everyone was in shock to see what just happened. "Man you are sssexier then I thought you sure don't know your mutant power is baby" said Viper. "Please stop I'm not your type snake boy uh I feel weak" she said while on her knees. "Then what snake is your type" he responded. "What was that you weren't acting like that in the video and your eyes were red" said Willa. "Why did you use all of your energy. That is really dangerous to do" said Swift. "I don't know but its what Kin said all mutants stick together. And I'm getting very close to you...well most of you" she said looking at Casper and Viper. "Well you certainly looked like Satan to me that could be your mutant name or Shadow" said Swift. "It doesn't matter what you call me I just hope everyone is okay I don't want to lose anyone you. Your starting to feel like family to me" she said. "Don't worry about us were not going anywhere" said Ferno. "And neither am I Sssatan's daughter" said Viper as he puts his hand on Maddie shoulder. She then immediately removes his hand. "Probably can't tell but Casper is starting to like all of you except Viper. She says he I more annoying then Swift is" said Kin. "OK guys follow me if you want out of this place". Kids leave the forest every happy that they all have a friend ship. They also left feeling very hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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