Ch. 3 Creepier Mall

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The Runaways woke up early and started walking towards the mall. And they were all tired and couldn't walk another step. "We've been walking forever how far is this mall" Maddie said. "Trust me its just over that hill we would be closer if we didn't have to take so many breaks Roar" said Willa. "Don't get mad at me if I have a weak bladder...and get very thirsty" she said. They made it up the hill which was very tiring. Then they had to go down the mountain. But one of them tripped and fell and brought everyone down with them. They made it at the bottom and they were kinda hurt. "Leave it to Swift to be clumsy and hurt us" said Willa. "Hey at least we got here faster" he respond.

Willa used her wolf strength to open the door slightly so they all can get in. "First we are not in a zombie apocalypse why is this mall abandoned and run down like this" asked Maddie. "I don't know but all I know is that we have this place to ourselves" said Roar. They split up to get supplies. Everyone was packing clothes,flashlight,batteries, and foods that don't need cooking. As well as hand sanitizer,tissue,deodorant. Once they had everything packed they went to change their clothes to something more appropriate and comfortable. The boys dressed normal wearing solid color long sleeve shirt and black pants. Roar wore black cargo pants that went to her ankles and a gray short sleeve crop shirt. Willa wore black fitting shirt and some blue baggy jeans. Maddie wore a black hoodie and jeans leggings.

"I swear you women take forever to get ready" said Ferno. "I'm sorry just because were running from society doesn't mean we can't still dress pretty" said Roar. "I've been stuck with you two for fifteen years I don't see it" he said. "Hey guys come up here you won't believe what I found" shouted Swift. They ran upstairs only to find an old kid play place. "I don't see what's so amazing" said Willa. "Well first we spent most of our young lives running and hiding and there are sweets here that's what I wanted to show". This moment the kids took some time to enjoy being kids even played in the ball pit and having fun and laughing. That's when they heard a very loud bang thinking it was the adults. They got out the ball pit to look over the rail. They didn't see anyone or hear anything. "We have to get out of here its not safe for us". The kids grabbed their stuff and tried to rush out of the mall. That's when a metal can rolled in front of them then stop. The group was confused then it came flying straight at them. Then they started flying into objects and getting thrown all across the mall.

A strange person rised in the shadows and uses his hands to move objects. He pointed Knives at them and he told them to leave. Everyone except Maddie used there powers to fight back. Once the person saw that they were mutants they fell to the ground. That's when they saw a boy standing in front of them.

"What the hell is wrong with you" said Ferno. "I thought you were adults or just humans. Ok I'm sorry I'm Kin" he said. Right behind him a thing bend its body into a bridge and started walking. Then squatted on the ground next to Kin. She had long black hair and dressed like she came out of a mental hospital. "And this is Casper". Everyone looked at her and Swift said "she don't look friendly". "She looks creepy but trust me she's nice. You know its not safe on this side follow me" he said.

They all Followed Kin and Casper upstairs. "Quick question we spent an hour in this mall how did you know we were here" said Willa. "Well this mall is very huge so I didn't hear anything. But Casper felt a presence other then me and her. It took us awhile because we were on the other side of this mall" he said. They walked across the mall until they saw a small campsite.

"Ta da welcome to our lovely establishment" he said. "Did you have to make it look like your sleeping in the woods" said Maddie. "Well it wasn't my idea, Casper wanted it to look like this as long as it makes her comfortable I'm happy. I mean they do have mattress here if you don't wanna sleep in sleeping bags or in a tent. The store is over there also there is a shower over there if you wanna rinse off" he said. "Me and the girls call first shower let's go" said Willa. The girls went to go shower and the boys and Casper just stayed by the fire. "Um so what do you guys eat in here" asked Swift. "Well since we have a fire or a mini grill I have Casper to go into the freezer to go grab meat. Because she can withstand the cold and today we are having ribs" he said.

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