Chapter 4: The antidote

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The next morning I woke up early and completed the chores. After my disappearance, I have to give a valid reason why I wasn't there for yesterday's meeting.  Ron came out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes and hugged my leg.

"Good morning sleepy head.. would you like a cup of coffee? Oh, wait you are still a kid. Let me see. Yeah.. you like a chocolate milkshake?"  he kept on looking at me with puppy eyes.

"yeeaahhhhh" he said.

I make him breakfast. We both sat and ate.

"Ron sweetheart, I need to go to work." His face dropped. "I promise I'll come back early in the evening."

"But what if they find me first?" he said with his voice cracking.

"No one would find you, honey. I'll lock all doors and windows and you just stay inside the house. Promise me you won't go out"

"Promise" he said Sweetly

"I have an old pc in your bedroom. If you are bored you can use it. Do you know how to use a PC?"
"A little," he said

"You press this button and then this now it turns on you can paint here if you click on this paint icon or play these games present on the desktop. I introduced him a little to the computer. You can also watch TV if you are bored. I have kept your lunch on the kitchen top I'll be back before dinner. One more thing. Here is this phone. If you feel anything is wrong just dail on My number and press call okay? You would directly call me."

I think it's a lot to process. I'll try to come back early. I said goodbye to Ron. My heart isn't ready to leave him alone. But I have no choice. I took a final look at him and left the house.

After arriving at work I knew where I was supposed to report. I rushed to Dr. Patrick's I have to analyze my platings from yesterday.

"Niya" he said angrily. This was bound to happen. I had not attended yesterday's meeting.
"Why weren't you in yesterday's meeting?"

Before I could speak a word Karl interrupted. "That was because she was helping me prepare the serum which we would be testing today"

"Oh okay just check your plates and look for growth if there is any." Sure, Dr. Patrick.

I have no idea why Karl backed me here but I am thankful.

"Patrick she would be working in Biochemistry with me from today. I need an intern with all this stuff you already have another. I hope you don't mind.

"Sure besides she has majors in microbiology as well as Biochemistry you could use a hand with that. We don't get Biochemistry interns here"

Patrick left you two and entered his workspace

"You mind if I see your plates?"

"Because I want to see if there is growth."  He said gesturing the plate in my hand.

"No, I mean why did you save me from Patrick? You knew I bailed yesterday and lied about the serum."

"You are the only person in this institute with emotions. Also, it was your first day. You freaked out. Don't worry it's normal" he smiled.

"And, who would want to let such a person with beautiful streaking go? " He held my plate in light so he was able to see the streak marks.
There was no growth even in a single plate!

"Let's go and test the serum" yesterday evening I didn't test it. If the patient isn't dead by noon they would come here to incinerate him.

He went to our patient. He was knocked out.

"Stay out and press this knob if I ask you to"  he opened the cage and injected the patient's arm.
The boy got up. Karl quickly jumped out of the cage and locked it. The boy's eye turned red and he stood up he was good for a moment but suddenly it felt like his bones started breaking.

Get out Niya.. right now.. "what? Why?"
"Just do as I say get out I am you daam senior get out now"

I rushed out. All I could hear is bones snapping and the boy screaming for his life. I sat on the ground holding my head.

After about half an hour Dr. Karl came out and sat beside me. "Are you okay?" I didn't look at him. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. But your life could be in danger"

"I sighed." what happened to the boy?
" He died" I ran towards the cage. All I could see was dust and a fur coat.

"You knew we couldn't help him right?" I nodded. "We need to do the reporting. I am calling the conference in 15 min...  I think you should be there but if you don't want to I completely understand."

I wiped the drop of tear which lingered on my cheek. I thought about Ron. He is suffering the same. I couldn't see him hurt.  I have to stay strong and work. I'll be there in 10.
I went to the bathroom and straightened myself and headed to the conference hall.

There were 10 members. Karl directed me to sit beside him. He started the meeting with the incident we experienced a few minutes ago.

Dr. Patrick said he was unsuccessful in culturing that little monster on a Petri dish also even with an electron microscope no structure could be deduced. The general physicians said no antibiotics antifungals, antiprotozoal, antiparasitic antivirals were effective on any patient.

"We have literally done all the tests in the book to identify this thing. What the hell this thing could be?" Patrick said in frustration.

We all left the meeting disappointed. Karl and I came back to our lab while others went back to theirs.

"Not a virus, not a fungus, not a bacteria, not a parasite, not protozoa what could it be" I kept it thinking. 
We kept running tests but came up with nothing.

"Don't stress yourself, we'll come up with something," Karl assured.  It was already 4 pm. We could leave because the daily meeting was already done.

"What do you think about prions?" I questioned him.

"Suddenly his eyes lit up. Oh my god, why didn't I think about this.. yes yes you are right.. it could be a different type of prion."

"Let's try sampling." He said with new enthusiasm.

" Karl.. I am so sorry. You know I could stay the entire night at the lab running more tests but there is something very important and I need to go right now."

"Hey hey hey, you don't need to apologize. Your hours are over and so are mine. Besides, we'll start tomorrow freshly."
I smiled at him.

"Karl do we have protease enzyme?"I enquired.

" Well, you can check on the enzyme freezer. And if not just tell me I can order in. I couldn't find any."

So I told Karl there are none. He said he would check the main storage and order in if there are none.

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