Chapter 19: Plan gone wrong

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There was just a ray of light and an old lady sitting in there.

"Meet my witch friend Diana.. Diana, she is my sister Niya."

"I can already tell she is a witch.. And a very powerful one I can feel connected to her." the old lady said looking at me. She had light blue eyes.

"Niya sit here" she pointed to the chair in front of the table. We had a candle in front of us and there were many more around the room. "Now look at me and follow my lead."

She looked at the candle and said "Ignitia" and the candle lit up. I followed her but my candle did not lit up.

"Mark she needs to believe she can lit up the candle. She doesn't!."

"Angel concentrate on the candle and please believe that you can lit it.. for me.. please" I didn't believe the witch but I did as my brother said.

"Ignitia" I said with a little confidence.
The candle lit up instantly. Suddenly all the surrounding candles also lit up and the room was on fire.

"Niya stop. That's enough" the witch screamed.
The flames grew bigger and bigger.

"Niiiiyyyyyaaaaa" my brother shouted and shook me. I came out of my trans and realized what going on. The flames disappeared.

"I told you she is a very powerful witch!" Diana said looking at Mark. That's when Ron entered the room. "What's burning here."

"Come in Ron" Mark said sternly. "Diana I want you to tell me if there is anything wrong or abnormal with the boy"
Diana took Ron's hands and closed her eyes. And immediately let go.

"Something as became a part of him which doesn't belong to him" the witch said

"He was infected with the deadly disease and he took the antidote" Mark informed her

"Not the antidote. This is something more powerful than any substance on the earth. That's all I know."

"Thank you, Diana. You can go back to your chambers" She nodded and left.
We then came back to Mark's office. Ron was the first to break the silence.

"I ate the weirdest Chinese food last week. Is that what the witch was referring for?"

"No, you idiot. She said it is the most powerful substance on the earth." Mark corrected him.

"Don't use your brains on this. The adults can take care of it." He added

Derek's POV

My world has shattered into pieces. Niya is gone from my life.

All I wanted was for her to leave this place and stay safe. But she is still here.

The very next day of our breakup Mark moved her stuff from her house. The house is empty now.

I  go there every night. It has her faint smell. I have found out from my sources that she is living with Mark in his packhouse.

Mark being the bastard he is took advantage of the situation. I could not blame Niya for this. She was shattered. But Mark.... He wants to steal my mate

'You have no fucking right to blame others when you yourself are the reason behind my mate's misery' my wolf growled.
'Our mate' I growled back. 'You don't deserve to call her yours. You are nothing but just a weak human who could not protect his mate'  I closed my eyes and cut off the connection to my wolf. Ever since Niya walked out of my life. My wolf and I have been like literally enemies. He takes me as an enemy.

I completely agree that I was a dick. I just want to see my Niya again. I want to know she is well and safe. The vampires didn't show up again.. yet.. my mom and dad came back.

Mom is pissed at me for doing this to Niya. She won't even look at my face. She said Niya was like a daughter to her and apparently they both had a very strong bonding. My dad was mad at me too for rejecting my mate.

Why don't they understand I just broke it off with her. I didn't reject her. If I would I am sure I would die. Dad wants to give up the position of king he had also made an announcement about the same when I told him I found a mate. Now he wants me to marry any girl and just take on the responsibilities.

The Wolf's CureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon