Chapter 9: Side effects or .....?

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Niya's POV

As I entered the house I saw Ron sleeping on the couch. He looked different but my brain had no explanation how. I kissed him good night and texted Karl I am safe and reached home. Karl acknowledged my message with a good night.

The next morning I decided to start my day early. But to my surprise, Ron was no longer in his bed. "Ron" I called out. No reply. I searched for him the entire house. Finally, I found him working out in the backyard with God knows what kind of music.
I tapped him and pulled off his earphones. "You know your eardrums are going to burst if you keep doing this"

"Sorry Mom, you know I feel like I have this extra adrenaline and don't know how to get rid of it."

"Adrenaline huh, where did you learn that word?" that's a quite impressive word for a 6-year-old but what's more surprising is a 6-year-old working out.

"I have been reading your old science books while you have been off to work."

"Fair enough. I want you to stand on this weighing scale" I kept it beside his feet.

"He stood on the scale and I read the weight" 30 kg. Well, that's unlikely for a 6-year-old. But he doesn't look obese though.

Infact, it looks like he has gained muscle mass. But just in a week? That's so surprising.

"Okay, now I am going to measure your height. Stand straight." '138cm'
According to the BMI, this is the right height and weight for a 10-year-old.

"That's all baby you can get back to whatever you were doing but just slow down the volume"  Ron made a weird duck face to tease me and left.

I noted the observation on my phone. He clearly has grown in terms of height and weight. I remember when the first time I met him. I could easily pick him and his head reached my waist.

Could this be an ill effect of the antidote? I need to see if the other children who received the antidote are experiencing the same.

I rushed to the institute and went through the data of the people who received the antidote. I found a total of 11 children by the age of 5-8 who had taken the antidote.

Next, I went through their addresses. 6 of them live to the east while the rest lived in the west to our institute. I need to observe these children so I have to visit them.
I decided I would be going east. I checked the address. Thankfully, all the 6 children lived nearly and in the same locality.

" Niya! What have you been up to?" I peeked out of my laptop to see Karl who has just got in.

"Hey, Karl! Have we sent a team to collect data about any side effects the patients are facing because of the antidote?"

"Oh my God! You completely saved my job. I had been so busy with the king's beta and the supplies of the antidote, it completely slipped my mind" he said rubbing his temples.

"Do you mind if I take care of the patients which belong to the east?"
"Yeah sure. I will cover the west. I'll give you a team of 5 for your assistance. You have to visit them every day and check for all the anthropometric, biochemical, and chemical tests." He told me what I already know.

"Yes. I know the drill. Do you need me to come back to the lab every day and give you the updates or I can tabulate the results and mail you?"

"Technically, when you are working in the field you just have to complete your fieldwork. And I am not going to exhaust you by asking you to come here every day.  Besides your house is exactly equidistant from the here and the field. It's better you mail the entire report at the end of the week." Karl said with a smile.

"Great then. I would head out right now and you can send the team later."

"Okay. Just make sure you stay safe when you work there. Any sign of trouble you leave the place immediately and call me instantly. You get it?" he was instructing me as if I am set out for war.

"Yes boss!" I said dramatically.
We both laughed and then I drove off.

I entered the destination on the map and followed the instructions. Since my house is on the way I decided to make a stop and check on Ron. You gotta be kidding me This guy was still working out. He was doing pushups. I stood in front of me. He took out his earphone.

"Mom! You are back so early?" he looked excited.

"No! I have fieldwork today so I  dropped by. So we could have lunch together. Did you eat?"

"Not yet. By the way... where are you headed to?"

"To the east. The Blood Moon territory. God is that even a name for a place"

"You are not going there, Mom. Take me with you. It is not safe mom trust me" he said boldly

"Excuse me? Are you forgetting you can't leave the house and its premises? You can't be seen in public. Besides I am going there to work okay? And I will have 5 more people from work assisting me. You don't need to worry about me, sweetheart." I reassured him

"You get into any kind of danger and I am leaving the house. I don't care if I get spotted or taken. You are going to call me mom if you see any signs of danger" here comes the second Karl.

"Firstly, no you are not gonna do anything. Secondly, there will be no danger. And thirdly, I'll call you in between so that you don't do anything stupid." I said glaring at him.
"Now come on let's have lunch. I need to run off."

We had lunch. The entire time Ron was tensed. I don't know why but he looked very uncomfortable. He kept on talking about how dangerous it is for me to work there and I shouldn't go. But then I shushed him saying work is important and I would get fired if I don't go.
After having lunch I immediately drove off before he could object anymore.

There was a sign saying 'Welcome to Blood Moon territory' I drove off and reached the location. It was a very big house. Looks like many families live here together. Because 3 kids had the same address. I entered the house and looked around.

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