Chapter 31: The Corronation.

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Everything is set. Derek and Mark have warned me that I am NOT supposed to use magic no matter what. We will be surrounded by many people and also the Queen's council. We are waiting for the Queen's arrival. She is late and had asked to start with the ceremony. The stage is decorated with white curtains and roses. The red carpet covered the entire area. The palace smelled heaven. We were having the ceremony in the pack garden. The huge trees stood up as a perfect prop in the background. In the middle of the stage, there was a throne where Derek would sit after his oath.

Derek insisted on having the Luna ceremony along with the coronation. But I am not ready. I rejected it but agreed to be introduced as his mate by his side.

I wore a floral blue dress and did light make-up. Carol helped me with it since I am worse in that area.

I am so happy for Derek

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I am so happy for Derek. He deserves to be the rightful king. He has faced many struggles through his journey.

"Baby are you ready?" Derek asked as he knocked on the door.

"Come in Der," I said fixing my necklace.

"I'll let you two have a moment," Carol said and walked out of the door.

Derek stared at me through the mirror. I was sitting in front of my dresser.

"You look mesmerizing," he said keeping his eyes still on me.

"Here let me help," he said taking the necklace from my hand and fixing it.

"Here let me help," he said taking the necklace from my hand and fixing it

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I turned towards him. He was wearing a black and golden royal outfit.

"You look

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"You look.."

"Terrible, Old fashion, stupid?" He cut me off.

"Like a king, I was going to say" I stood up and kept a palm on his chest.
"You are perfect sweetheart"

"I am nervous" he looked at me.

"Come here" I took him to the couch. And rubbed his hand.

"Don't worry. You are going to be a wonderful king. Your pack loves you already and you are the best alpha a pack could ask for."

"Better than Mark you mean?" he raised an eyebrow.

"He is not on the list" I winked and leered.

He leaped in to kiss me. I ducked him and chuckled.

"Alpha we are all set please walk down the Luna," Edward said.

"I am not your Luna yet Edward. And please call me Niya"

"I can't future queen" he shrugged.

"Luna would be great. Thank you" I fake smiled.

"Let's go love" he extended his hand. I took his hand walked by his side.

We entered backstage. I peeked through a corner. There were thousands of members with all eyes glued at the stage. I immediately took a step back.

"Niya I will be by your side okay? Don't be scared love." I blinked slowly.

"We now invite our future king and his mate."

We walked to the stage. I was holding my life on Der. I almost creased his sleeves.

The old priest started mumbling something. I was too anxious to listen.

"Prince Derek please come forward." The priest said. I let go of Der's hand.

"By the grace of Moon Goddess and blessings from each and every single one here I now declare you as the Alpha King of this territory. Do you accept this position?" The priest said

"I do accept. I am honored to be your King. I promise to protect this territory till my last breath. My people are my power. Every single one of you is my family." Derek said in a bold and commanding yet compassionate voice.

"On this occasion, I would like to introduce the best thing that has ever happened to me. My mate. The love of my life and your future queen. Niya."

I took a step forward and stood beside Derek. The crowd made me nervous. I saw Mark and Ron standing in front with sweet smiles plastered on their faces.
I relaxed a bit seeing them.

"I would request our future queen to share a few words," the priest said.
No no no! I am not prepared for this.
Derek would have sensed my tension.

"Baby don't worry. Just tell them your name and say you look forward to meeting them" he said through our mind link.

I stepped forward.
"Hi, I am Niya. I am honored to be here by our King's side. It's a pleasure to be surrounded by such beautiful people here who I would soon be calling my family. I look forward to knowing each and everyone one of you personally. I hope you all will accept me and shower your love as you love him."

"You are a hell of a speaker. You said you weren't prepared."

"I wasn't. I said whatever came to my mind"
We talked through our link.

"The king would now crown our future king," the priest said and Derek's dad took off his crown with great respect and placed it on Derek's head.

"I now announced Derek Willam Hale as the official king of our territory. His mate would be the first to bow in front of the king and everybody else will follow." The priest announced.

I knew about this. Derek was unsure if I would do this so he has given me the hint. Like why wouldn't I? He is the king and I am a werewolf I am practically his subject. He believes I am his mate and I shouldn't bow before him and we should rule side by side. But this is just for a day. It's tradition. I lifted my gown to bow.

That's when a very very powerful voice growled through the main entrance.

"She will not bow!"

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