what you guys have been waiting for

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edit: you guys listen to the song love is a bitch by two feet for this chapter it hits different
ryan's  pov:
what was he doing here?? at my spot too ugh he drives me crazy.

"what do you want kenny boy." I said.
He can't be here no. I can never let him know about the way I feel about him. The way I want to kiss him but at the same time tell him how much I hate him. It's better this way if we just hate each other.

"Look ryan, I just want to talk. Nothing else just talk." He said.
Oh. I wasn't expecting that.

"Um sure i guess." i said.

"Look ryan, our rivalry has been going on for so long and we just need to talk. All this bickering gets us no where." Ken said.
Theres no way he's serious. The way i've treated him and he still stuck around. Nobody sticks around me they just float and i'm used to it. This was so new for me and I didn't know what to do.

kens pov:
Wait what was i doing. I don't know what took over me He's been so rude and confusing to me and As much as I wanted to yell at ryan I knew it was pointless. It would be like yelling at a brick wall since he's incapable of seriously listening to anyone. I don't even know why i'm talking to him. Who knows if he'll even take me seriously or listen. But i at least had to try. This kept eating at me and I needed to at least talk to him.

there was an awkward silence for a moment until i cleared my thought and said,

"well first off what are you doing at my spot?" I questioned him.

Ryan looked confused.
"how is it then that i've been going here for years and i've never seen you once." He said whilst taking a gulp of his soda sitting next to him.

"Maybe you haven't been looking in the right place." I said and as I reached for the railing on the rooftop me and ryan's hands touched for a split moment. It was only for a moment but i could feel the connection we had.

"Why did you storm out ryan?" I asked straightforward.

"If i didn't know any better kenny boy i'd say my attitude has rubbed off on you." he said while smirking.

"This isn't a joke ryan this is serious. I need to know what happened. What is this feeling going on with us ."

Ryan kept a straight face and said,
"there isn't anything going on between us." he said cooly but i could see the small glint of panic in his light brown eyes.

"Look what is your problem! I'm sick of your attitude and it's getting on my nerves. Maybe there isn't anything going on between us!" I said spilling with frustration

"You know what ken your right. I just can't like someone like you. Your unbearable and you know what you think your the good guy all the time but your not. Everyone else may buy your act but I can see right through you!" he spat.

At this point our faces were only inches apart. And a silence overtook us. I then stepped back and started to walk towards the stairs. I was about to go on the first step when i heard a,


"ken i know you hate me now and i know i'm a jerk. I screw things up. i'm never gonna be mr. perfect and i'm never gonna be serious all the time but i'm gonna be serious now. There is something going on between us. it's confusing and frustrating but there's something. And i know that one thing i could never fake is the way i feel about you." He said

It took a moment for that to sink in. But the first thing i noticed was,

"you called me ken."

That was the first time he called me by my name. we stared at each other with our eyes locked on opposing sides of the rooftop.

"Ryan look, nothing will ever change the way i feel about you but we don't work! well never work, we're complete opposites and unless there's a way you can show me we can work i'm leaving for good. I was about to leave when i felt someone grab my arm.
"Ryan what-"

I was cut off as his lips crashed against mine. It felt as if the world stopped as our lips moved in rhythm with each other. The thing is we both knew it was so wrong but then why did it feel so right.

When we finally pulled away. i was out of breath. we both stared at each other until ryan cleared his throat and said,
"does that show you."

Ryan & ken enemies to loversWhere stories live. Discover now