- Friendships -

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"Here, I'll take care of it." Tohru, held out the money to the cashier, as she offered the both of us a smile.

"Tohru-chan! Thank you!" You returned the smile, as they finished up the payment.


Kagura, carried all the bags. Tohru walked behind her, as you walked behind Tohru.

"Would you like me to carry a few bags? (Name)-chan would want to help as well!" Tohru moved a bit forward and waited for a while. Kagura glanced at Tohru, and then at you and then looked forward.

"How did you do it? How did you get Kyo to like you? Or even (Name), how did she come to like you so fast?" You glanced at Kagura, who's back was towards you. Tohru took a second to process her words.

"Thats a tough question! I really have no secret! I didn't do anything special either!" She frantically waved her arms up and down. Kagura stopped walking and turned around.

"And it seems you, Kyo-kun have been together your whole lives and you've made special memories together. While you and (Name)-chan have a bond, that only you two can have." She offered her a smile.

"Yeah, that's true." Kagura thought to herself for a minute than looked up.

" (Name), thanks for chasing after me. Tohru-chan, thank you for coming to find me, us." She made eye contact with both of us and then smiled.


"Your welcome!"


Kyo and Tohru came down not too long ago, Tohru went to help Kagura finish up, while you sat outside by the pond.

"What are you doing out here?" Kyo walked over to you, taking a seat next to you.

"Just thinking. Why did you come out?" You glanced at his direction to find him, looking the opposite way.

"To find a person, who was sitting by a pond." He turned to face you, making eye contact.

"And who might that person be?" You rested your head on the tree behind you, staring at the stars.

"A weird person, who always listens to what I say, and gives good advice." Kyo streched his feet.

"Sounds like a cool person." A small smile made it's way onto Kyo's face.

"She really is. I was planning on asking her if she wanted to get Lunch sometime. Would you like to go? Maybe next weekend. " He glanced at your direction.

"Sureee." You looked back at him, offering him a smile.

"It'll be my treat. A thank you for the advice."

"Better have a lot of money on you. I might make your pockets hurt."

"I would like to see you try."


Kagura clinged onto Kyo, as she said her goodbyes. Both You and Tohru watched her from the kitchen. Shigure walked in from behind.

"What a lively morning. Did you figure out Kagura's zodiac?" He laughed lightly at Tohru, as she frantically told him, she didnt.

Kagura and Kyo engaged in a quick battle which ended quickly she ran to the door, only to bump into the newspaper boy.

Yuki quickly covered his sight of line, and watched the boy go, when you all looked back you saw. . .

. . . A young little Boar sitting on the pavement.

Tohru quickly picked her up, holding Kagura in her arms.

"Okay. I figured it out, it turns out Kagura-chan's zodiac is the year of the Boar." She proudly told the both of us, and Shigure kept declining it.

"Now I understand the reason, when you have something you want to achieve all you can think about is achieving it. This must be the Boar's influence. It's a fantastic trait to have, Kagura-chan!"



"Well it seems, both Tohru-chan and Kagura get along well."

𝔹𝕆ℕ𝔻𝕊 𝕄𝔼𝔸ℕ𝕋 𝕋𝕆 𝔹𝔼 𝔹ℝ𝕆𝕂𝔼ℕ | ᴋʏᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu