- Fight -

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Haru tied a string against a pole, and slowly set the string up. The second he pulled it. A young Kyo tripped, landing face first.

"Got him."


"Woah! Kyo went flying."

"What the hell was that for!"


"Ah. Its Haru's turn. Everyone is coming to visit. But don't you have school?" Once Kyo calmed down just a bit, Yuki talked with Haru.

"Hm. I left on Sunday but ended uo somehow in a place I didn't recognize. And then it was Wednesday. A mystery. . ." Was Haru's response.


"Honda-san, this is Hatsuharu Sohma. He's a third year in Junior High. So, one year younger than us." Yuki introduced Tohru to the man who had his arms around your shoulders onto you. In otherwords to the man who was clinging onto you.

"Haruuuu, let goooo!" You whined as Haru kept his firm hold on you.


"Haru, this is Tohru Honda." Yuki soon introduced Haru to Tohru. As Kyo and You curiously watched.

"Oh, you are? Nice to meet you." Haru let go of you finally. And bowed while greeting, while she bowed too.

"So? Why are you here?" Kyo skipped all the 'Hi's' and 'Hello's' and wait straight to the interrogating part.

"Fight. I'm here to fight." Was Haru's reply, it was silent as you all waited for Haru's explanation.

"I wanted to fight Kyo, at the New Years banquet, but you didn't come, so I came to you."

"Well, there's something similar between Kyo and Haru." They both love to fight they're opponents, what similarities.

"Now, let's fight." You ignored everything else, and let the men do their thing.

You found a good spot on the grass, and took a seat, sitting criss-cross apple sauce.

"Woah, rare sightings of Dark Haru." Haru, like Kagura had two different personalities, there was the soft, quiet, kind and i-take-care-of-all-the-zodiac-siblings Haru. And the dark loud, agressive, and i-take-care-of-all-the-zodiac-siblings Haru.

The two agressive men started fighting, Yuki and you ignored them, while Tohru worried. Yuki soon stood next to you.

"Sit down for a bit, you have a fever, you know." Rocks went flying everywhere as the two Sohma's fought.

"I would but with the flying rocks, Honda-san, isn't very safe. Those two idiots." Yuki like a god, watched over Tohru making sure she didn't get hurt.

You were watching the fight progress, when a rock flew by you, nearly hitting you, just missed by a centimeter. Due to that dumbass rock, your heartbeat pick up, and adrenaline started flowing like crazy.

"Wah! I almost died! Those annoying animals!" You grumbled a bit and moved off to the side, in hopes of no more flying rocks. You stretched out your feet across the grass.


"(Name)-chan! Watch out!"

"(Name)! Keep your eyes up!"

You were not ready for the flying rock to land right in your streched out ankle.

"Ouch!" Tohru and Yuki quickly rushed to your side, and soon enough the stinging pain grew more and more.

*cough cough cough cough cough*

"Yuki! Are you okay!" Yuki bent over, clutching his chest.

"Soma-kun! (Name)-chan! Oh no!"

"Yuki! An attack again? You're burning up! (Name), your ankle is turning purple and really starting to swell." Haru sighed and looked at kyo.

"Kyo is it okay, if I take a rain check on our fight?" Haru soon hugged Tohru, which caused a transformation.

"It'll be easier if we carry Yuki home like this. But (Name). . .It'll be dangerous to carry both." Haru told us his plan up till the part about your swollen ankle.

"Here. I'll carry her. You guys worry about that damn rat."

"Eh? Kyo? I'm fine tho."

"Shut up, I got you."

"I'll be fine! Take Yuki home soon!"

𝔹𝕆ℕ𝔻𝕊 𝕄𝔼𝔸ℕ𝕋 𝕋𝕆 𝔹𝔼 𝔹ℝ𝕆𝕂𝔼ℕ | ᴋʏᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now