- New Year -

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Both guys were breathing heavily and soon collapsed on the floor.

"Wah! Are you two all right?!" Tohru quickly got up, as she worried about the two guys.

"Woah! Do you guys need some help?" You followed after Tohru and got up.

"We're okay. We'd better watch the first sunrise. . . huh?" Yuki spoke up, still breathing heavily.

"I wanna eat New Year's noodles first." Kyo counter-attacked Yuki's statement.

Both men glanced at us and for the first time in forever agreed on something and said.

"We're home." In unison!

"Welcome home. . !"

"W-welcome back. ."


You, and the three others were in the kitchen, trying to make noodles together.

"Alright men! And Woman! We have to make the best noodles, to celebrate our first year together! Dont let me down!" You gave them an awesome speech.

"Yes Ma'am!" Tohru was super fired up, while the men looked like they were regretting a few decisions.

"Alright Yuki cut the- no nevermind Yuki boil the noodles! Kyo cut the vegetables! Tohru work on the sauce!" You ordered each person to do something important.

"And what are you going to do (Name)-chan?" Tohru curiously asked.

"Taste-test!" You proudly told them, as you started exiting the kitchen.

. . . Only for Kyo to grab your left wrist and Yuki to catch your right wrist.

"And where do you think you're going?"


At the end, you were forced to help out, in top of setting up the table. Currently you were enjoying the yummy noodles. Which indeed turned out great.

"Why are the both of you staring at us?" You questioned the males who were boaring holes into your faces.

"D-did we do something!" Tohru tried finding out the answer.

"The two of you should eat your Mochi slower."

"Its best to each Mochi slowly. Make sure to chew thoroughly, too."


"Are they really okay?"


The four of you climbed the ladder slowly. Kyo took off his coat and hanged it around your non-coated shoulders. While you kept a firm hold onto the bag in your hands.

"How many times do I have to tell you, to bring a damn coat!" Kyo nagged you for being careless while you and Tohru admired the beautiful sunrise.

"Soma-kun! Kyo-kun! (Name)! The suns about to rise!" She looked really happy.

"I know! I see it! Its super pretty just like you Tohru!" She offered you a smile.

"Do you guys know what you're going to wish for!" The sun slowly rose up, but it wasnt time yet.

"Alright! Attention! Attention! The three fellow humans look over here!" You waved both your arms in the sky, trying the catch their attention.

The three of them turned to you, giving you a questionable look. You however, took out a blanket from your bag and spreading it across the roof top.

"What's up (Name)?" Yuki asked

"First everyone sit!" They all complied, sitting in a rectangle.

"What is your crazy brain doing now." You ignored the rude comments from a certain cat and carried in with what you were doing.

Next you took out a thicker blanket which was capable to keep you all warm, and so you wrapped it around everyone.

"Wah! How cool! We can watch the sunrise and stay warm!" Tohru admired your smart thinking.

"And finally, I have a few gifts for three of the best people in my life!" This took the males by surprise and curiosity but you brushed it off. While Tohru smiled brighly.

"Yuki. . . here." You gave him a paper bag, which was super heavy.

"Thank you (Name)." He offered you a heart-warming smile and opened up the gift. In the bag were 3 different sized, different blue-shaded, different scented candles.

"The scent is supossed to give you relief from stress and pressure. And it can brighten up your life, when the dark times come!"

"Really. Thank you so so much!" Yuki gave you a small embrace which you glady returned.

"Okay! Tohru! Your turn!" You took out a small box which was wrapped in pink tissue paper.

"Gimme your wrist." She gently placed her wrist in your hand. You moved her sleeve a bit higher to find the bracelet you had given her a few chapters ago.

"Okay! Good! You have it! Now open the box!" You handed her the box which she curiously opened. Inside were 13 other charms, all belonging to the zodiacs.

"Everytime, you meet a new zodiac, I'll give you a charm! You already have 6!" You gently placed the Rat, Dog, Cat, Boar, Rabbit and Dragon onto her bracelet.

"Woahhh! So pretty! Thank you so much! I'm excited to get all of them! Thank you so much (Name)!" She bent over and gave you a huge hug.

"Actually I have something for you too (Name)-chan! I originally got it as a thank you gift. But now its happy new year gift!"

She gave you a small box, and when you opened it, you found an adorable necklace with a panda charm, which matched with her bracelet.

"Here lemme put it on you." She bent over and and put the necklace around your neck.

"Its super pretty! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"And finally Kyo's gift! Here!" You gave Kyo a notebook which was decorated with cat stickers.

"What's this?" Kyo questioned your gift as you urged him to open.

"Open it, you dummy!"

He complied opening it like you said, inside was a time line full of pictures with Kyo and You, there were embarrassing ones, funny ones, cute ones. They had a lot of memories in them and as Kyo flipped through each and every page, he liked it even more.

". . . Thank you. I'll treasure it." He pulled you into an embrace which you returned.

"Happy New Year! Soma-kun, Kyo-kun, (Name)-chan!"

"Happy New Year, Kyo! Yuki! Tohru-chan!

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