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Kyo had gone off somewhere, leaving just you in the classroom. Along with the chocolates left on his desk, which he very kindly donated to you.

Soon Tohru, Uo-chan and Hana-chan, entered the classroom, Yuki still wandering around. Which was actually pretty good since most of the girls in class, didn't look very human. And more demon.

"Morning (Name)." Uotani lightly rested her hand on top of your head. While Tohru sat behind you. Acompanied by Hana-chan.

"Good Morning Uo-chan, Hana-chan! Hey Tohru!" Uotani picked up one of your smaller chocolates, unwrapping the wrapper.

"Woah, are these all yours?" Uo-chan questioned, popping the chocolate in her mouth, while you handed some to the others.

"Suprisingly not. They're all Kyo's, he gave most of them to me." Speaking of the devil, Kyo walked in, taking his seat beside the window.

"Well, I'll be back, i'll put all these wrappers in the trash." The closest trashcan was either the one, infront of the class, or the one right outside, next to the classroom door. You chose the latter.

Picking up all the empty wrappers, you quickly walked towards the trash can, disposing all the empty wrappers. Not noticing Kyo quickly getting up and running towards the door, bumping right into you. You panicked for a second, after realising it was only Kyo, you easied down.

"Oh (Name)! We should go on a trip, invite Tohru if you want. Let's go far away from here, or she'll find us." A vague idea of who he was talking about came to mind. Kyo was about to leave, when Miss. Teacher stopped him.



School soon finished and you followed Kyo with Tohru making your way towards the entrance of school. That was, until you saw the back of your beloved friend and Kyo's worst nightmare. Kagura!

Before your eyes could process what in the world was happening, Kyo quickly disappeared, along with Kagura.

"Oh! This was all about avoiding Kagura!" Tohru smiled, watching them run off into the distance.

"I bet if he knew tommorow was valentines day earlier, who would have been far far away." Tohru laughed along with you, as you both continued laughing and smiling making your way home.

When you got home, you took a nice shower. And wore some comfortable clothes. After you were done you went downstairs.

"Yuki and Tohru could join us! Making it a double date!" Kagura squealed catching Yuki and Tohru off guard.

"Awesome. That's a good idea." Shigure quickly agreed, while you squished in next to Yuki and Kyo.

"I know right! It'll be perfect! Oh no! Wait! What about (Name)! She'll be lonely! You can come too! You can! Um. . ." Kagura quickly dashed to yourside. Wrapping her arms around your shoulders.

"Oh wait. . ." Yuki was quick to disagree, soon to be joined by Kyo.

"I'm not going anywhere with that damn rat!" Kyo and Yuki bickering stopped soon, after Tohru voiced her excitement. And then everyone turned to you.

"Don't worry about me! I already have plans with Momiji and Haru!" Kagura nodded brightly still hugging you. While Kyo just grumbled to himself.

Kagura soon left, while Kyo saw her out. Shigure joined him, and you joined shigure, after Kagura left, Shigure spoke a few harsh words tonKyo, whether itvwas in purpose or unintentional still remained a mystery. Kyo started yelling and then he ran off. Tohru ran after Kyo, while you gave them both a moment.

"Shigure-san, you know better them provoking him. Espically if the topic is about Yuki." You sighed and followed after Tohru.

You wandered around until you finally found a few footprints which led you to a rolled up Kyo, who was crouching and Tohru. She started to speak soon after.

"Its fine if you hate him, it's okay to dislike someone." Tohru sat behind Kyo. Speaking gently towards him. After a few minutes you joined them.

"You know Kyo, she's right. Hate and love are a part of human feelings and honestly no ones going to stop you from hating him. Even if they try. So I accept it, we accept it. We say its okay to hate Yuki or whoever you want. It's okay to hate and to love." You say next to Tohru. Gently resting your hand on his back.



Kyo, Yourself and Tohru, made your way up the stairs, towards Shigure's house.

You were in between Kyo and Tohru. Kyo held onto your hand, and Tohru held onto your other hand.

You squeezed both their hands.

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