- Easy -

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Kyo gently laid you back down on your bed, and examined your ankle, gently.

"What're you acting all sappy for. This was your fault from the beggining." You stuck your tongue out provoking the cat.

"Shut up! I said I was sorry." He grumbled, taking a seat on the floor beside your swollen ankle.

"Did you really though? I didnt hear an apology." You watched as Kyo grumbled again, and then looked up at you.

"I'm sorry. For ignoring you, For fighting Haru, For hurting your foot, and for not being gentle or whatever." He genuinely apologized.

"Woah. That's a one in a life time chance. Getting an apology from Kyo." Haru came in, with an ice pack in his hand.

He took a seat on the floor, the other side of your foot, and gently placed the ice-pack on the purple-swollen part.

"Hey Haru. How's Yuki?" You asked him as he looked up at you.

"Yuki is fine. Hatori is coming soon, to treat both you and Yuki. He's asleep Currently Tohru-san is with him. How's the pain in your foot?" Haru moved the ice-pack a bit to cover more of the purple bruised parts.

"Thank god, Yuki's attack wasn't serious. Hopefully Hatori-san takes care of Yuki. Tell Tohru to take it easy too. My pain is bearable. You, take it easy too, Haru." You patted his head a few times.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." The second apology you got was from Haru.

"I told you! It's fine. Take it easy, both of you." This time you patted both their heads.

"Tell that to Yuki and Tohru too."


"Yukiiii! You're better! I told you to not over work yourself!" Yuki was currently sitting in your bed, as Hatori examined your ankle. Tohru was right next to him while Haru was next to Yuki, while Shigure and Kyo were some place else.

"Luckily, nothing is broken. It's just sprained. Dont be agressive for a few days and you'll be fine, in no time." Hatori bandaged up your foot.

"Thank you Dr. Hatori!" You gave him a bright smile.

"Get well soon, (Name)." Hatori ruffled your hair, as he returned your smile.


Later, Shigure and Kyo fell sick. Meaning all three Sohma men were sick along with one Sohma woman who had a sprained ankle.

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