Chapter Forty

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Nobody moved. The only thing making noise were the wails coming from Colt, who was on the ground with a knife buried into his shoulder.

Xander didn't even give another second before he lunged again, kicking one man down and shooting another, his head exploded on the wall behind him. Xander turned and shot the man he kicked. All dead, within minutes, well almost all.

Xander turned toward Colt, placing one foot on the holt of the knife, pressing it down. Colt screamed out in agony.

"You will die for this Mile man," he growled through his teeth with bloodshot eyes.

The pause was so quiet it made me shiver. 

Xander finally leaned over him.

"You will die first, by my hand, but not before I make you weep for your mother." Xander leaned down further, his foot still on the handle as he grabbed Colt's chin, roughly turning his face to level his eyes. "Not before you beg me to slit your throat." 

"She's mine," Colt dared, ignoring his threat. 

Xander's foot slipped to the ground as his hand took its place.

"She belongs to no one," Xander said wildly, twisting the handle deeper into his flesh. Colt wanted to scream again but Xander's hand covered his mouth, "I will enjoy sending pieces of you back to your halfwit son, and when I'm done with you, he's next."

Colt growled under his hand only making Xander twist the knife even more.

"Xander," I frighteningly whispered, unsure if he could hear my tiny voice. I had been standing there too scared to intervene. 

Finally, there had been a sense of fright. Seeing the barbarousness of Xander's skills finally made me feel something.

The way he had slaughtered them all in a matter of seconds was terrifying. Colt had tortured me for years with the thought of what would happen after I married his son. He was the reason I had run and the reason I had spent every night jumping at every little noise. Now he was laying there bleeding, unable to speak, looking up with fright at a man much more dangerous than himself. A greater monster. 

Xander never responded to me, and never allowed his eyes to break away from Colt.

Even as I, a few seconds later, heard Mayra calling my name, coming for me, he never said a word.

The guards were there quickly, drawing their swords to Xander's throat.

"Stand down Mile man," one commanded.

Xander's face turned slightly, assessing how many there were as if he wouldn't let them stop him.

"This man will be taken into custody," the other said.

I could hear the terror in the guard's voice.

Commanding a Mile man to step down was a sure death and for a second I thought that would be the outcome. But then Xander yanked his knife back, making Colt groan again before reluctantly stepping away.

I felt Mayra's hand around my shaking shoulders.

"I'm sorry," her voice filled with concern.

"What the hell happened," she angrily asked Xander, turning to me, not waiting for an answer as her hand graced my swollen cheek.

Full of anger and revenge she turned, her eyes surveying anyone alive to receive her rage. But they were all dead. The only one left was Colt, who was already being handcuffed by the guards.

"The general calls this protection?" She sneered and turned to me again, not even acknowledging Xander.

"I need to get you home," Mayra said carefully.

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