Chapter Sixty - Eight

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I woke again, sensing the pain deep down as I opened my eyes to find darkness. But the heavy presence next to me, in bed, calmed me.

"Xander," I called, turning my head.

"Xander?" The question was dumbfounded. That sweet but powerful voice wasn't hard to identify.

"Mayra," I said, and yawned.

"Honey Xander could never look as good as I do. " She tried to lift my dull mood.

"Well, I wouldn't know?" I replied, managing to sound light as I sat up.

She shifted, maybe uncomfortably or unaware of how to respond.

I took a deep breath as I tried listening. But it was silence. Only the noises from Mayra's movements, in bed next to me, crawled into my ears.

Her scent was strong, she smelled like lilies.

"Is there anything you need?" Her voice said so gently  andI knew if I could see her face, it would be full of pity.

I sighed letting my head drop before I rubbed my eyes.

"Breakfast would be nice,'' I suggested, and before I had barely spoken she had jumped off the bed. I heard her walk in front of me and then the crack of the door.

"Anything you need my lady. Stay here, I'll be back."

"Couldn't go anywhere if I wanted to." I joked, but again my tone wasn't as heartening as I wanted it to sound.

"Right," she cleared her throat, the door shut and I was alone again.

I wanted to feel the sun. I used to watch it every morning, shining through the hallways windows as I snuck out to train with Xander. That I couldn't do anymore but I still wanted to feel the sun on my face.

I pushed off the bed, feeling like I was standing on a thin line. The floor was under me, I reminded myself. It was safe. Everything was where it always was.

I took a step, with my hands outstretched.

"Don't fall, don't fall," I muttered as I, like a toddler, made my way forward.

The wall greeted my fingertips and I moved a little to the left, feeling the soft fabric graze me. Again I pulled the curtain aside, immediately feeling the sun on my face. That familiar warmth kept me company through my lonely days.

It was nice, and the only familiar feeling that I could cope with.

A knock at the door startled me but her smell came like the breeze when the door opened, along with the smell of eggs and bread.

"Stay right there," Mayra said and I heard her hurry to place whatever she had brought, into the bed.

Her hands landed on my arms and she turned me.

"I don't want you to fall again. The bed is in front of you. Sit."

I bent to feel the soft mattress before I climbed under my duvet again.

"Lift your arms," she commanded, placing something wide and heavy over the soft duvet when I obeyed.

Her hands took mine and she brought them down, to where they wouldn't knock over what she had placed on my lap.

I heard her sigh as the bed next to me sunk, and I knew she was sitting opposite.

"Right," she finally breathed, taking my hands again, "This is the bowl," she placed my one hand on the side of something warm and rounded, "And this is your spoon." In my other hand, she gave me a cold spoon.

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