Chapter Seventy - Seven

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It was strange, watching the lights and the people around us standing in a large circle.

Most of them were shocked and others looked on in disgust. I figured they all resented the one I had chosen to dance with. That a Mile man was on the same floor as their lord general.

"Look at me instead," he whispered gently, and squeezed my hand, snapping me out of it. "Do not care for what they think of me."

I sent him a smile, wondering if he could see the glimmer that reached my eyes through the mask.

We spun, and he twirled me out, I could see Aleron mirroring the dance with his partner.

"Now move out and spin, then come back," my father's voice came alive.

I obeyed, trying to spin without feeling dizzy. But I fell, stumbling over my own tiny feet.

I returned to him, enjoying the feeling as his arms found their place again, around me.

"I didn't know you could dance just as well as you fight," I added, as our eyes locked. His smile was instant.

"If I lived for this long not knowing how to dance, there would have been many lost moments."

We spun, and both his hands moved to my waist, lifting me into the air as if I was nothing. I gasped, holding my breath, letting my hands rest on his shoulders.

I landed hard, scabbing my knee, and instantly the tears came. I was back to being a child.

Edmund was hovering over me with eyes so deep and cruel.

I awaited his scolding any minute.

He put me down and again our arms found each other.

We moved in perfect synchronicity. Like a leaf floating on a tiny stream, we swam light around the room.

"Danced with many women, have you?" I asked, with a teasing hint of jealousy.

"Of course." He answered slyly, but before I could roll my eyes at him, he added, "But none have been as enjoyable as you in this moment."

The glimpse of my opponent flashed behind Xander. Aleron's partner was a dashing brunette, dressed in a gown most likely gifted from Aleron himself, with a matching mask.

"You dance well yourself," Xander spoke softly, again shifting my attention back to him.

"Just well?"

"There, wipe those useless tears." Edmund kneeled, taking the sleeve of his tunic, and wiping my cheeks.

"I'm sorry father, I will never learn. I will never make you proud." My tiny voice cried as I wiped the snot from my nose.

"Elora, self-pity is a suicidal dagger to the gut." He said sternly and rose.

"You dance..." Xander paused before leaning in, "Beautifully." His whisper in my ear sent a tickling sensation up my spine.

I blushed, steadily remembering my feet, their quick placements, and our cordial dance.

He retracted his head, squeezing my hand slightly letting me know what was coming. The finale.

Both of us spun around before he let me go and I spun around myself. Again and again and again. The music sounded louder and more dramatic. Then it stopped, as did I, quickly folding my hands over each other, as if praying.

Everything went silent for a minute and as I looked directly opposite I could see the brunette, with her own folding hands, being the other point of the square we had created on the floor. Xander to my left, and Aleron to my right.

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