Chapter Fifty - Five

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"Of course, general," I replied and bowed my head with a smile, wondering why he had waited until now to ask as if we hadn't had that strange conversation the other night.

"You don't have to pretend with me." He said quickly and studied me.

"I'm fine. I'm safe." I reassured him again even though it was a lie and he knew it.

But he snorted a silent chuckle, giving in. "Very well then, and yes you are." He proceeded to step away from me, slowly, inviting me to follow.

We left the hall, and he put his arms behind his back.

"I was so deeply troubled by what I heard occurred that I had to request for lord Sarvin to send you to me immediately. I know your uncle means well but your safety has to be insured, and he failed to do that. But I will reassure you now, that here, no harm shall come to you."

I swallowed. Failing to hide my distrust, he saw it.

"You have doubts?"

I nodded. What I wanted to say, to admit, was not that I feared for my safety, but for those around me. If I spoke it out loud, her face would haunt me, so I said nothing.

No...Elora, have you stopped listening? Do not love them. I'm warning you again.

"How can I mend those doubts?"

"I think you already tried, general."

He lowered his head, clearing his throat, "The mile man." He said with playful shame.

"I hope I haven't made you feel uncomfortable by assigning him to you. I know he couldn't have been the best companion considering how he got you here, and by force no less."

I bit my tongue, wondering exactly how much he knew of my journey here.

"Why have you assigned him to me?" I didn't want to talk about my safety or anything else concerning me.

I continued before he could answer. "I know his freedom was promised, why not grant it to him? Why give him to me?"

He turned his head towards me, our feet walking simultaneously, and he smiled.

"I trusted you would give him what you felt he was owed."

"You thought I wanted to punish him?" It was coming together as I spoke. The truth was not clear until now.

He let his eyes meet the floor, and the smile turned to a grin.

"Xander has not been known to be a very merciful man. I didn't want you hurt thinking this was all about a trade-off."

He wanted me to punish Xander how I saw fit. Make me in charge of what happened to him. I had been so angry with him knowing he was so willing to hand me over for his freedom, while not having a care in the world. He had obeyed Aleron without knowing that I would be in charge of whether or not he would get his freedom.

"That's quite cruel," I breathed, feeling a little bit impressed by his courage to fool a Mile man.

"Do you think he deserves anything less?" He challenged with troubled intrigue.

I had no idea what Xander deserved. What I wished for him before had changed, I had changed.

I had looked at him in fear and then pity but now, I lusted for him while at the same time feeling a wave of bubbling anger that frustrated me.

His history, his inheritance, was to be a cruel being. To find a woman, seduce her, and make another offspring that would carry on the legacy. He was doomed to kill her after, and carry on being a hunter, wandering the desert terrain for the next bounty. And now he was tied to me, like a pet slave to do with whatever I wanted until I released him back into the wild. It felt entirely wrong to have been given such power over another, and a skilful but deadly huntsman no less.

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